Chapter 14

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We woke up the next morning, smiling at the view... We weren't exactly there yet, but we were no longer in New York.

I was a little curious to where we are and how close we are to Hollywood, so I grabbed the walkie talkie and asked Keith.

"Hey, Keith?"

"What's up?"

"Where are we and how close are we to Hollywood?"

"We're in Beverley hills and about 6 hours away"

"Okay, thank you!"

"You're welcome hun"

"I can't believe we're actually going through with this" Hayes said.

"Yeah I know, me neither"

She just smiled and them looked outside. Her facial expression changed almost instantly causing me to worry.

"Hayes, what's wrong?"

"We forgot to do something really important"

"What? what is it we forgot to do!?"

"We didn't tell Jake and Max..."

I couldn't believe it, we forgot about our boy friends. They're probably so worried right now! we didn't even say bye or even explain to them why we left. They're gonna be so angry when we come home, if we come home. Maybe even hate us, I'd hate us. I can't believe we forgot about them.

"What do we do?" I asked her hoping she would have an idea, and she did.

"We need to call them and explain everything" she said as we both pull our phone.

"Mines dead" she said kinda upset she looked at me hoping mine was good to go

"...Mine doesn't have service..."

"Now what?" she asked

"I have no idea, but we need to contact them as soon as possible"

"Okay, I know.. what's your battery at?"


"Keep it there" she explained "we'll have service when we get to hollywood we can call them when we get there"

"Good plan"

she smiled.


*knocks on door**

"Hi miss Martin, is Hayes home?" I asked nicely

"Ummm, about that can we talk..?"

"Yeah, of course we can" I got anxious and a bit nervous.

"Miss Galleger and I got into a fight with Hayes and Cam last night and we just found out this morning that they aren't here anymore..."

"They ran away?!"

"I'm afraid so"

"What were you guys fighting about?"

"It's no big deal"

"Obviously it's a big deal of it caused them to leave, what did you do!"

"Jake, what we argued about doesn't concern you"

"Really, if that were true you wouldn't have told me she was missing in the first place, and I think I deserve to know what happened to her. If you don't tell me I'll just assume the worst"

"Hayes found out she was adopted. Cam's her sister... and they're her birth family"

"Why would you keep something like that from her? don't you think she deserved to know that her whole life with you guys was a lie?!"

"It wasn't a lie Jake, I loved her like she was my own"

"Difference being that she wasn't, she belonged to Miss Galleger, not you"

She glared at me as I got up and walked out the front door.

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