Chapter 20

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Cams pov
A couple hours past but still no one else woke up, so I spent the whole morning with Louis. I learned a lot about him and I'm sure he learned about me too.
"So what do you think of Luke?" He said winking at me
I laughed right away. From the first time I saw him I thought he was the cutest thing ever.
"He's adorable"
"I'm also adorable" he winked again
"You are very adorable"
"Thanks Cam"
"Haha, you're welcome"
"So I have a quick question that will probably embarrass the shit out of you"
Hearing those words come out of his mouth seriously scared me a little bit because I have no idea what he's going to say
"Are you gonna put some pants on or are ya gonna walk around in your underwear all day?"
I laughed right away causing him to laugh although he was already laughing, he started laughing harder.
"I'll go put some pants on"
"No, I don't mind if ya don't, I don't mind at all"
I rolled me eyes and let out a small giggle, walking back to the room I woke up in to grab my pants I ran into Luke, awake, starring at me standing in the doorway
"Cam, what happened last night and why aren't you wearing pants?"
"Nothing happened with me and you, we just had a bit to drink and we fell asleep together but that's all nothing else and because, actually I don't know why I'm not wearing pants but that's why I came in here, to get my pants"
He looked at me like I was an idiot before breaking into a little fit of laughter which worried me a bit not gonna lie. I slid my pants on and looked at Luke because I saw him staring at me from the corner of my eye
"What?" I asked
"You're so beautiful"
I smiled and acted calm on the outside but on the inside my heart started beating really fast and I had butterflies.
"Cam, come back I'm bored" louis yelled from the living room.
Luke had a blank look on his face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked a mixture of mad and confused. Instead of saying something I just walked back out to Louis
"Shit man you put pants on" he grinned
"Yeah sorry my legs were cold so I put my pants on to warm them up"
"Why would you do that? You have me, I would have warmed them up for you"
"Oh my gosh Lou-" I got cut off by Luke storming into the living room screaming "LOUIS WHAT THE HELL"

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