Chapter 4

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The way home was kinda strange. My mom hadn't even said a word to me. Nothing at all. She didn't even ask me how the play date when. It was like she didn't even care if I had fun or not.

When we got home she still hadn't said anything. She stormed to the kitchen and started making dinner.

"Kraft dinner okay?" she asked. I nodded.

I went up to my room and played barbies with my sister Blair until mom sad dinner was ready. "Girls dinners ready." She said.

We ran down to eat, everyone was quiet at the table till Blair asked me how my first day of school was.

"It was good, I made a new friend." I told her.

"What is her name?" My dad asked.

"Her name is Cameron, and she lives down the street." I explained to them.

Mom and Dad exchanged confusing looks, I couldn't tell if they were upset, confused or happy for me. "Well, honey it's good your making friends." Dad said putting his plate in the sink.

"Okay girls its time to wash up and go to bed." Mom said taking our plates an putting them in the sink.

She took Blair and I up stairs to the bathroom and gave us a bath, she tucked us in and told us a bed time story.

"Once upon a time there where two beautiful little girls. The little girls mommy and daddy split up when they where really young. Their names where Carlie and Hailie. Hailie moved with her daddy and Carlie moved with her mommy. the mommy and daddy move very far apart and the little girls never see each other ." She makes up as she goes along.

We slowly started to drift off only catching a few of her words after that.

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