Chapter 17

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We got to a McDonalds just as it started to rain. McDonald's was open 24/7 so we spent the night there. They had free wifi, free refills on coffee and power so we could charge our phones. "What are we going to do for tomorrow?" I asked Cam.

"What do you mean?"

"Well we cant live in McDonalds."

"Tomorrow we'll start singing and hopefully people will give us money or an agent will notice us or something."

"And what if that doesn't happen?"

"If that doesn't happen there a 24 hour laundry mat, it's warm and smells good."

"Alright." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

*Cam's pov*

Sunlight shone through the window waking me from my light sleep. "Hayes." I whispered shaking her shoulder.

She don't move. I shook her again. Still nothing. "HAYES!" I yelled loud and fast.

"What." She moaned.

"Get up. Were going." I told her.

"Okay." she sad slowly getting up.

"Where are we going?"

"To the gym down the street. I wanna shower." I explained waving to the person working at the counter.

We left and walked about a block to the gym and snuck in and to the showers.

The clean water felt nice and refreshing. since we where at a gym we decided to sit in the sauna for a bit.

While we where in there we practiced singing for the day ahead.

Once we left, we stood outside a popular shopping center. We say down and started to sing. Our first song was 'Leaving on a jet plain' by Chantel Kreviazuk. A few people gave us money but not many.

Next we sang 'lips of an angel' hoping we would get more money... and we did.

Teenage runawaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora