Chapter 6

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The door broke down causing both of us to jump back a bit.

As soon as the door hit the ground we ran in to see my mom laying on the floor with glass pieces everywhere.

"Call 991!!!" Hayes yelled.

"Hold on, I wanna see if I can wake her up first"

She looked unsure, but agreed to let me try.

"Are these-"

I cut her off "pieces of a smashed up alcohol bottle? Yeah"

She didn't seem to surprised.

I began to shake my mom. nothing happened, she wasn't waking up.

"Mom! wake up! mom please!" I cried

"Okay, Cameron I'm calling 911 right now!"

I heard what she said but I didn't bother to answer her because she knew I heard.

"Hi, yes. I'm Hazel Martin, my friends mom is passed out on the bathroom floor"

There was a pause before she spoke again.

"210 Prince Road, please hurry!!"

Minutes later there was a loud knock on the door.

"I got it" Hayes yelled rushing down stairs. "It's okay Connor, everything is going to be alright. Just stay here, okay?" I heard her comfort Connor

"She's upstairs" I heard Hayes direct the officers.

As soon as they reached my mother they picked her up and placed her on to the stretcher and rushed out.

She was rushed to the hospital.

I ran into Mom's room grabbing my baby sister Scarlet then running down stairs

"Hayes grab Connor, were going to the hospital!"

She picked him up. We made our way to the last ambulance and rushed to the hospital right behind my mother.

"Cam, what happened to mommy?" Connor asked all teary eyed and worried.

I looked at Hayes not knowing how to answer without scaring him more.

"She just fell down, she'll be okay" Hayes answered for me, I smiled at her, thanking her.

Once we reached the hospital we were told to wait in the waiting room.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" Connor asked.

"Of course she is, moms pretty tough".

"Cameron Galleger and Hazel Martin" the doctor called causing both of us to stand up instantly.

He walked towards us. "Is your mom Dianne Galleger" I nodded.

"I have an update on her health..."

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