Chapter 5

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Cam's pov


Hayes and I walked through the door to my apartment. "Mom I'm home." I Yelled.

"Cam?" Connor called.

"Yeah Connor." I replied.

He didn't answer. I figured he just didn't hear me respond.

We walked into the living room and saw Connor sitting on the couch. "Where's mom?" I asked.

"She's upstairs." Connor said

"Okay, what are you watching?" I asked Connor.

"Spongebob. It's been on all day." He told me.

"Ooh, how long has mom been upstairs?" I asked.

"Since Spongebob started." He said not helping at all.

"Is Scarlet with her?" I questioned.

"I think so. Cam...?" Connor asked.

"Ya bud." I replied.

"I'm hungry" He stated.

"Did you eat today?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but only breakfast." He told me.

Hayes instantly stood up and walked towards the kitchen. She came back two minutes later with a pop tart in one hand and a juice box in the other.


We heard something that sounded like breaking glass coming from upstairs.

Scarlet started to cry.

"Connor stay here, don't move okay?" I heard Hayes say as I booked it up the stairs. Her no to far behind me.

"Mom! Mom open the door!"I yelled banging on the door.

"Here, move for a second." Hayes said moving me to the side.

She tried kicking the door open. It didn't open.

"We'll do it together." I told her.

"Okay on three." She said.

"One, two, three!" We said at the same time kicking the door.

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