chapter 5

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I picked up a guy off the street and took him to bed...Now that's bad

What normally happens at the club?

Oh, just the usuals, You dress up sexy in a black or red dress. That way your one-night stand can find you easier. Who will he be? Mmh, no one knows until he whispers into your ears or buys you something to drink, which you probably should kindly and seductively refuse... You're looking for a hook up here, not a potential killer.

What happens next?

Oh the typical, he comes over and chat with you trying to find a topic of interest to make you laugh and if he succeeds it means he already had your panties down and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to stick it in. You know you're going to give it up when you pull him onto the dance floor to dance and if you met him on the dance floor you know you're letting him in when you pull him to the bar to drink. Either action means 'I'm opening up and I'm pulling you in' literally.

Well, I guess I am not normal because that's not what happened at this club and oh I was wearing my black dress alright.

"Another one!" I yelled at the bartender.

I was testing to my fourth shots of whatever weak stuff the bartender kept pouring into my cup.

"By the way.." I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt which earned me a look of his raised eyebrows and the unsettledness of disgust incorporating well with the eyebrow thing.

On a second thought quickly released his shirt and gently asked, "Are these free, you keep pouring them into my cup" I smiled.

"Because you keep asking," He rolled his fiery blue eyes and clench his hard jaws before closing his eyes taking two deep breaths then returned a composed expression on his face, "as long as you can pay for them it is ok"

"Ok!!" I yelled. Drinking down the cold sweet strawberry liquid.

"Another one!" I yelled...again.

Maybe I was drunk, where Trish was...With Mr Sexy ebony bodybuilder. That was OK I knew this wasn't going to work, not even drunk men would look at me.

"Am I that unattractive! " I yelled standing up gaining a few attention. Holding onto the bar counter I stumbled in my Lacey black heels.

Trish thought I was hot.

Sexy Ebony bodybuilder thought so too.

Then why?

Why hasn't my hookup pick me up?

"Am I too fat for you!?" I yelled.

A brunette girl took out her cell phone and started recording me while giggling.

Witch, excuse me? Who dares records me without permission? I can sue her for this. It is so annoying when people these days think it's OK to violate people's privacy with their camera

Slightly stumbling, I slowly and angrily strode over to her.

"Excuse me but I would like to educate you on your ignorance. It is illegal to violate someone's privacy especially making any photographic publications without the consent of the victim" I told her but she just Huff and rolled her eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do!" She said in a ratcheting manner, "it's my phone and I do what I want with it".

" Oh really?" I asked raising a brow while taking out my employer's ID and show her. "You see I am a federal-state lawyer and right now you are breaking the law. I can do two things 1 call the cops and press charges immediately or two use the data system at work tracking your social accounts look for that video online and sue you all being done within 15 minutes", Of course, I was bluffing.

She huffed" I am not scared. I don't even want you on my phone anyways" She rolled her eyes. I walked away but I still heard when she curse, "You fat bitch" behind my back.

'Maybe I should go', I whispered lowly to myself.

Taking my purse out I paid the bartender, drank one shot of something strong and walked out.

"If you're lookin' to be somebody's just friends. A little laughin', a little lovin', never callin' again. That's just fine", I sang walking lazily on the dark street. If it had been you, you would probably be scared. Probably turning your head to look behind you every second to see if someone was there. You would probably cross the street to walk farthest away from the alleys I was carelessly passing by. You would have walked under the street lights to guide your steps than walking under the blown-out pitch-black lamp. You would have been scared. Your heart would have beat trice within one second, but not me. When you're unattractive no one in the world would possibly hurt you...or want to, at least that's what I thought.

"If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak Or somebody's mistake Somebody's first time Or their last time Baby, be mine!" I sang out loud in the eerie dark while stretching my hands apart feeling the cool night air biting me through the black mesh sleeves.

"Why, such a lovely lady looking so depressed?" A husky voice suddenly asked behind me.

I turned my head to look at the stranger. I couldn't see him.

"How do you know I am beautiful?" I asked "I can't even see you" I mumbled to myself.

He chuckled, "I saw you from the second you left that pub"

"So you have been following me?" I asked unamused.

"Mmh...nope more likely just heading in the same direction as you" he replied.

"Ok," I mumbled.

He was just there, steadily and slowly walking beside me in profound silence, so I continued to ignore this strange man presence.

"Cause baby I don't want easy I want crazy" I sang effortlessly. It's funny how it sounded more like a prayer to God rather than a repeat of some handsome man creativity.

"You like Hunter Hayes?" He asked intriguingly.

I just nodded my head a 'yes'. We walked past a working Streetlight and I slowed down my pace until eventually, I stopped walking, right underneath the street like. As if he was copying every step I took I looked by my side and looked up at his face for the first time. He was tall about 6'1 and muscular. His eyes were a black and perfect match with his curly brunette hair. He had a pointed 'u' shaped nose with a flat top lip and a full pink bottom lip. He wasn't perfect but he was handsome.

"I knew you are beautiful," He told me smirking. As soon as his lips twitched upward on one side a dimple was summoned from the debts of his flesh.

"Me, beautiful?" I laughed.

Maybe he wants something from me as all the others did. I bit my lips before I decided to start walking again. His brown boots and my heels were the only sounds on the street as they hit the pavement repetitively.

"You don't believe me?" He asked.


"Why?" He suddenly stopped. I stopped too, even though I shouldn't have, I should have just kept walking because I don't know this man, but I stopped.

"Because..." I thought long and hard if I should tell him why, and shrugging I did, "I am fat"

I walked off and he was still standing there.

Suddenly I felt strong arms around my waist. Bug arms that made me feel small but my mind wasn't on that. I was scared.

My heartbeat started going trice his normal rate and I froze to the pavement of the sidewalk.

"What are you doing?" I shakily asked, fear gripping me along with something else.

But instead, he leaned his head against my ear and said, "You're not fat. You're a curvaceous woman" His hot breath send tingles down my spine and his lips that was lightly grazing the tip of my ears erupted a contagious wave of goosebumps on my skin.

All fear thrown out the window and maybe just maybe the alcohol in my system was starting to do its job because I had a crazy idea swirling around my mind.

"Curvaceous" I mumbled, I like that.

Petty SideChick : Curvaceous WomanWhere stories live. Discover now