Crimes and Criminals

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I glanced at my member who stood in the long line across the bank wearing a disguise, Jennie. Meanwhile two other members were busying themselves working with the lights and security as I waited for my signal that was to come through my earpiece.

Suddenly the lights went out and I heard the signal come from Amber. " Hurry and get your ass in there. Be in and out as quick as possible. We don't have much time. " I chuckled and made my way through the the employees' door and ran until I was in front of the large room with a giant padlock. I placed my ear against the door and worked the lock until it clicked and opened. Once the door swung open I could hear the thundering footsteps of security coming my way. I quickly stashed as much cash as possible into my large duffel bag and ran down the hall opposite from where the security were coming.

I could hear the deep voice of a man speaking, from farther down the hall, into an earpiece. I hid behind the nearest wall and waited until I saw him pass by me. As soon as he was at a good distance I made a run for it. I raced towards the exit where my other members should be waiting for me. As soon as I swung the door open I was face to face with Momo who had her leg swinging at me.

Right when her leg was about to impact my face, I gripped onto it and put it down while saying, " Calm your titties girl. Damn try to all judo kick me and shit. " She gave me a cheeky smile and we were all on our way once Amber had made her way down from a window above us.

We made it to near the middle of the city when I could hear the cop cars howling from behind us and police officers shouting through megaphones. We had to be quick and lose them so without hesitation we all ran left into a dark alleyway. We came face to face with a brick wall but wasted no time and threw each other over the wall along with the duffel bag full of cash.

I was still on the other side of the wall throwing the duffel bag over to Jennie as Amber gave me a hand. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground by a large man. Without hesitation I kicked him in the balls and gave a hard punch to the face. He stumbled backwards and I took this chance to kick him one last time in the face and grab ahold of ambers hand she still had held out to me. I pulled myself up with some help from Amber and we all jumped down from the wall onto some garbage mins and into the forest that greeted us.

We ran through the forest with stealth and speed until we had finally made our way to our hidden cabin-more like giant mansion-in the middle of the woods. We unlocked the front door and walked into the living room dropping the bag of money onto the floor. We all plopped ourselves onto the couches in the living room and sighed while looking at the duffel bag of money.

" Why did we even take this again? " Momo asked. I shrugged and said, " Because we felt like it. " She nodded and after a few minutes Jennie had turned on the large tv and onto the news. We weren't surprised that we were on the tv again for today's crime which added up to our other hundred or so crimes. What surprised us though was that they had caught us on camera when we had ran into the forest, but they didn't see us go very far because of the trees. We also saw that a museum had gotten an ancient jewel from England and that it was being placed under much security.

Without hesitation we had all decided to try a new challenge and we all made our separate ways to begin practicing. It was already obvious of where we all were. You could easily tell about where we went based off of our personalities and specialties. Jennie was off to go and do some training in the firing range, Momo was off to go and practice her Kung fu, Amber was off to go and work on some computers and hacking/making random things, and last but not least I was off to the training room to practice running, boxing, and to work on my fighting skills. Lately I've been lacking a bit because we hadn't really been doing anything and I've started to get a bit lazy.

I first changed into a sports bra and some leggings before tying up my hair into a high ponytail. Then I began running on the treadmill in the large training and exercise room. I ran for about half an hour before practicing on my boxing. I continuously punched the punching bag until it suddenly exploded and the contents spilled out. I just left it there and began working on my fighting skills. I worked in the special room where there were lights that created people and you were to fight them. I went on until it was late almost around 1:30 in the morning.

I took a long swig of my water before going up to my room on the fourth floor. I took a warm shower and changed into some sleepwear before passing out on my bed.

-Time Skip to Morning-

I woke up to Ber, Jen, and Mo(their nicknames)shouting in my room along with running around. I sat up slowly and rubbed at my eyes. Once I was fully awake I sighed and pushed them out my room and got ready for whatever we were doing today.

I wore a black t shirt, black skinny jeans, black leather jacket, belt, and black boots with heels. If you looked at me you wouldn't think I am fully armed, yet I certainly am. Inside my jacket are many pockets and zippers that hold ammo, knives, pistols, and poison darts. Under my shirt was a chest attachment that started at above my breasts to right below my breasts and held a few more pistols strapped onto my back and some more knives and daggers strapped onto the front and sides. On my right thigh I had strapped a large dagger that was as long as my forearm. In my belt was hidden poison darts that looked like the stitching and in the heels of my boots were sharp and jagged daggers that cut into flesh easily and mercilessly.

Once I felt like I was ready, I made my way downstairs to meet up with the others. They were all dressed in outfits similar to mine, but had slight differences such as Jen had her necklace that had many sharp daggers in it, Mo had her poison pouch attached to her side, and Ber had her wristwatch that she had designed to shoot out blades and deactivate any device around it.

Once we were all ready, we made our way out the door and into the city.

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