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I woke up with a urge of vomiting so I quickly rushed over to the bathroom in the hallway and lifted up the toilet seat before I began puking my guts into the toilet. I tried to keep as quiet as possible so I wouldn't bother the other girls but as soon as I heard some footsteps coming my way, I knew that they were all already up.

I felt a familiar hand rub my back gently while another hand held my hair back for me. Once I finished puking my guts out, I flushed the toilet and the three of them guided me to the sink where I rinsed and brushed my teeth clean. It was silent for awhile until Jennie then asked, " Yuri, how long has this been going on? Are you sick? Or are you pregnant? "

I shrugged and tried to think back in my mind before I said, " The last time I puked was maybe two days ago and then a day before that. I don't know, I've been getting really bad morning sickness for the week? Two weeks maybe? "

I shrugged and they all sighed at me before Amber pulled something out of the drawer and gave it to me. Once I looked at it, I gave her a weird look while she just shrugged and said, " I dunno girl. We're just making sure and if you are pregnant then we'll help you okay? "

I smiled and nodded before they left to give me some privacy. I peed onto the stick and after a few minutes, the results came out. I nodded at the results before I flushed the toilet and washed my hands before I exited, leaving the test in the bathroom.

When I exited the bathroom, I gasped as I saw the three of them eating cookies without me. I walked up to them while saying, " Damn, rude as fuck much? Ditching me to go and eat cookies without me? " They all just chuckled at me before Momo handed me a cookie.

I gratefully took it and took a bite out of it before I said, " Guys, it was positive so I guess y'all are gonna be the fucked up aunts for my baby. " They all squealed in excitement before Jennie said, " Hold up, bitch puh-lease! Were gonna be the fucking best aunts ever. What the fuck you be talking about? "

I shrugged before Amber then asked, " But bitch please, how the fuck are you so calm about this shit? Aren't you shocked? " I shrugged before I gave them a smile and said, " Yeah, I am but I guess it's just because I realized that I've got three people to care of now so I've gotta fucking man up. "

They gave me weird looks before Momo asked, " What the fuck do you mean by three people? You don't even fucking know if your ass is gonna have twins. " I laughed at this before I said, " I meant Jungkook. He is literally a fucking big jealous baby. "

Amber chuckled before she said, " Well, clearly he ain't THAT much of a baby seeing your position now. " I rolled my eyes at her and quickly reached over to slap her arm as she just cackled like a dying donkey. I rolled my eyes at her again before I ended up joining her with a small smile.

-Time Skip because I'm a lazy Ass-

Six Months Later

I sighed as the girls forced me to wait at the table as they left to go and get our food. We were currently at the mall shopping for baby clothes. We decided to keep the baby a secret so we could surprise Jungkook when he came back in a few days after their training. I thought about telling the other guys but the girls quickly convinced me not to since they are all blabber mouths and can't shut up for shit.

I sighed. The girls have been acting as if I'm handicapped just because I'm pregnant. I sighed again and allowed my eyes to wander around the food court when they suddenly landed on a certain person who seemed to look very familiar. They had their back turned to me but as soon as they turned around, I felt my heart begin beating faster.

Without thinking, I got out of my seat and ran over to the person who now had their back to me again. I hugged him from behind which caused him to jump before he turned around to look at me. He gasped and pulled me into a hug once he saw my face.

I buried my face into Jungkook's chest before I looked up at him and asked, " I thought you weren't coming home until a couple more days? " He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck before he said, " Yeah, we ended up coming back a little earlier and I wanted to surprise you but I guess that went out the window. "

I chuckled as I held his hands in mine and he suddenly looked down as he felt something rub against him. As soon as he saw my belly, his face quickly changed from happiness to confusion to anger. He suddenly ripped his hands out of mine before he then said, " I can't fucking believe you. I thought you actually loved me. "

I gave him a confused look before I asked, " W-what? What are you talking about Jungkook? " As I was going to step closer to him, he stepped away from me and held out his hand as he raised his voice when he said, " I can't fucking believe you went and fucked somebody behind my back and got pregnant with their baby before you had the guts to come back to me! Do you not love me anymore!? Am I just a toy for you to use!?! "

I gasped as his words stung my heart. This wasn't how I wanted the surprise to end up. His voice ended up catching the attention of all of the people around us and all eyes were on us as it was now dead silent. Tears were in my eyes as he continued to say such mean and rude things to me.

I reached out for him but he slapped my hand away before he said those words that broke my trust for him. " I can't believe I had loved someone so low. You're nothing but a disgrace. You should've been left in jail longer for all your crimes. "

I gasped. My hand trembled as tears blurred my vision. The people around us began to whisper before I noticed a couple of people had pulled out their phones to record. Jungkook gave me a look filled with disgust before he backed away and left me there...broken.

As soon as he had left, all the people around me began to say rude and hateful things to me before they began to throw their food at me. I couldn't handle it. The tears fell. They streamed down my face as people began insulting me and my baby.

Suddenly, the girls came back and looked at the scene in shock. They quickly yelled at everybody to stop before they helped me out of the mall. They hurried me into the car and tried to comfort me as I cried a river of tears. I had never felt so bad in my life..I had never thought that I'd feel so bad about myself ever since they died...ever since my life had gotten to its lowest point.

Amber drove us back to her house where she was left with a surprise by Yoongi before he was left behind with a shock as he saw me crying my eyes out, covered in food with Momo and Jennie trying to calm me down. Confused, he helped me inside the house before he was given the shock of his life when he saw my belly.

The girls quickly had me change my clothes while Yoongi left to the kitchen to get something. Once I was changed out of my clothes, I had calmed down my crying to only sniffles as I realized it was unhealthy for the baby. The girls sat around me before they hesitantly asked me about what happened.

Yoongi then entered the room with a cup of some warm milk which he gave to me before he sat down next to Amber. I smiled at him and thanked him before I sighed as he then asked, " Yuri, I know this is a lot for all of us...but please explain so we know who to beat up. "

I chuckled at his words before I took a sip of the warm milk and finally said, " I'm surprised from hearing those words coming from the old grandpa but's because of Jungkook. He found out about me being pregnant but he took it the wrong way and basically just embarrassed me in front of a whole ton of people who are most likely posting their videos about us on the internet right now....he doesn't want to do anything with me or the baby...he doesn't want to take care of his own fucking child....of his own fucking problems..."

Suddenly Yoongi got up and headed for the door but Amber quickly stopped him and had him sit back down. He cursed before he turned to me and sighed before he asked, " Yuri, what did he tell you? I need to know so I can tell the others so we can beat his ass. "

I chuckled but shook my head saying, " Don't....don't do's okay...ill be fine..." He sighed in despair. " You really still love him even after doing that to you? " He asked. I smiled and nodded before I took another sip of the warm milk he had given me.

Soon enough, Yoongi had calmed down somewhat and I felt myself start becoming sleepy from the stress and from the warm milk. As Jennie and Momo noticed how I was starting to nod off into a deep slumber, they took away the now empty mug and allowed me to lay down on the couch in a comfortable position before they covered me with a blanket.

The last thing I remembered before I fell asleep was Yoongi and Amber talking about something before I heard Yoongi say, " Hyung, we need you here...."

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