Shorty and Sugar

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Jungkook continued to ask me questions until I was done with the people behind the window. Those dumbasses were fighting and bickering about jamless being a shorty. I rolled my eyes at how immature police officers could fucking be. I sighed and began shouting. " Shut up goddammit! Just fucking admit your short! We all already know that you and fucking lazy grumpy ass grandpa over there are practically my height! "

I heard them shut up until I heard Jungkook start laughing his ass of again followed by the jamless boy saying over the speakers, " I'm not short! I just haven't grow to my full height yet! " I chuckled and said to myself, " Psh yeah not grown my ass. You guys are a bunch of fucking toddlers. " Jungkook who was now sat in front of me began laughing for a few seconds until he finished questioning me.

When he finished questioning me he had taken me into a cell. I sat down in the cell and spit on the floor as a man walked by me. Before he was out of earshot I asked, " Aren't you the old man they were talking about? I think I heard jamless say your name was Sugar. What type of fucking name is Sugar? I think I also heard jamless speak about being more swag than you, but let's be real. The one with the most swag is me. "

He turned around to me angry yet interested and said, " Well don't you have a keen eye. And a mouth that has no control. Now tell me where that fucking jamless boy went. " I chuckled and said, " He's down the hall to the right. Eating somebody's lamb skewer when I had walked pass him. "

Immediately Sugar's eyes had widened and he had ran off which surprised me. " Wow never expected an old man to run that fast. " I said to myself. Soon after I spoke I heard shouts from Shorty and Sugar. I laughed so fucking hard at how high Shorty's voice got when he began begging for forgiveness. I was rolling on the floor with tears cascading down my face. I was soon taken out of my fit of laughter when someone asked, " What the heck are you laughing at? "

I wiped away my tears and looked up at the person on the other side of the metal gate. It was the Jungkook guy, but in my opinion he looks like a bunny. He had asked me again when I said, " I'm laughing at the Shorty getting his ass whooped by Sugar. "

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