Girls Night Out

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Two weeks later

I gave him one final tight hug before I pulled away and gave him a small kiss on the lips. He chuckled before he said, " Baby, it's okay. I'm coming back. " I shrugged before I said, " I dunno if I can trust your I loyal ass. " He chuckled and gave me another quick peck before he was dragged away by Seokjin before they missed their flight.

I gave him a final wave as he turned back to me and he just returned it with his bunny smile. With a final sigh, I watched as he boarded their plane before I turned back to the girls who were also finished saying goodbye to the others. Once they were out of our sight, we all turned to one another with a smile before it was silent.

With a sigh, I hopped over to the girls before I slung my arms across their shoulders and suggested, " How about we all have a girls night out? " They all quickly agreed and I smiled before we all began planning our ideas as we exited the airport and to the large van that we had taken here.

As we all excitedly hopped into the van, Momo said, " Ooh, how about we go to a bar tonight?! " After a few seconds of silence, we all quickly shook our heads in sync before we laughed out loud as Amber said, " Girl, if we go to a bar then there's no way that we'll come out alive. "

We all agreed and decided for all of us to just have a sleepover at Amber's place. We pulled out of the packed parking lot at the airport before we began driving to everyone's individual places to grab some stuff before we left to Amber's place that she shared with Yoongi. Once we got there, we all piled inside the house after parking the car in the driveway.

We all quickly decided that we'd all sleep in the living room so we began to grab the needed supplies before we moved aside the furniture and began building a huge fort using all of the blankets and pillows that they had. Once the fort was done, we all changed into one of the pairs of pajamas that we had picked up along the way here before we decided that it'd be fun for us to try baking together.

Jennie searched up some chocolate cookie recipes while Amber grabbed the supplies that we needed. Meanwhile, Momo and I were just messing around by using the whisks as deer antlers. We giggled again before the whisks were suddenly snatched out of our hands. We pouted as Jennie just gave us a playful smile. We all giggled again before Amber then said, " Okay, Yuri and Momo can have the rights to buy the ingredients since all you two are doing as messing around. Oh, and buy some snacks and drinks too. But no alcohol. Got it? "

I nodded before I caught the keys that were tossed to me before I grabbed my wallet, dragged Momo out of the house with me, and drove us off to the store. As soon as we got to the store, I grabbed a cart for us before we both started piling in some random shit into the cart until we eventually decided to put away the shit we really didn't even need such as the ten stuffed animals.

After we eventually paid for our shit, we tossed the bags into the trunk of the car and drove back to the house. Once we got there, we carried in the bags before placing them onto the floor of the kitchen. Before we began baking, Jennie and Amber had all of us wash our hands and put on some aprons until we were finally allowed to begin baking.

Amber gave me and Momo the job of melting two cups of butter while she combined all the dry ingredients while Jennie did the wet ingredients. We then combined all of the ingredients before we added in the two bags of chocolate chips after it was completely mixed together.

After a few more minutes, the cookies were already placed on the trays with some of the weird baking paper that we put over the trays so they wouldn't stick. They were placed into the oven with a timer turned on before we decided to dig into the snacks and watch some movies as we waited for them to finish baking.

-Time Skip-

The house smelled of freshly baked cookies and after what seemed like years, they were finished baking so we pulled them out of the oven and allowed them to cool down before we devoured the delicious cookies with some milk.

After we had gotten full off of cookies and snacks, we decided that it was getting late so we all quickly did the dishes before we settled down in our fort for some movies. We decided on a scary movie and halfway through the movie I had begun falling asleep before I eventually knocked out, using Amber as my pillow.

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