Just a Little Fun

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We had finally gotten to the museum when suddenly Amber pulled out a long rope and bag of rocks from her jacket along with earpieces for everybody. She gave us all our earpieces and we put them in our ears while turning them on. After she gave me the rope with a nod telling me what to do telepathically. I nodded back at her and walked up to the wall of the museum with Jennie.

We waited for Amber and Momo to make their way inside and deal with whatever security walking around. Soon we heard Amber's voice through the earpiece saying, " We're ready. Time to go bitches. " I chuckled lightly and climbed my way up the wall with Jennie right behind me until we made it to the top. With some help from Amber we had found out where the jewel was placed. Right above the jewel was a window that opened just like with other museums.

I opened the window and tied the rope Amber had given to me around myself securely with a little help from Jennie. When I was ready Jennie held onto the rope tightly and lowered me down slowly. Once I was above the glass container holding the jewel, I took out the knife I had wrapped around my thigh and cut a hole into the glass just wide enough to fit my hands. After placing my knife back, I took the bag of rocks that Amber had given me and lightly threw it into the air to check the weight.

Then slowly I removed the jewel while placing the bag of rocks onto the weight detected platform. As soon as the jewel was off I placed it into a pocket inside my jacket before lightly tugging at the rope and putting the glass back on the top. Jennie began pulling me up when suddenly halfway the glass slipped and fell into the container with the bag of rocks setting off the alarm. I cursed at myself while Jennie began heaving me up faster until I was back at the roof.

We both began climbing our way down the wall again once we took off the rope while I spoke to Momo and Amber through the earpiece. " We have a slight problem so get your asses out of there and fucking run. " The alarm rang throughout the entire area as police cars pulled up along the sidewalk. Damn they got here quick. Must've finally upped their game huh? Soon Amber and Momo had made their way out and we began running our asses away.

The cops were right on our trail since we had fallen behind a bit when waiting for Amber and Momo so we had to think quick. We turned right into an alley that led to another part of the city and then right straight until we went into another alleyway that was blocked off by gates. I quickly threw the others over without giving a shit since the cops were right behind us and began to corner us. I threw the jewel over the fence to Momo who caught it and hid it into her jacket while I began climbing my way over the fence. Right when I was about to jump over the fence, a policeman had grabbed onto me and pulled me back causing us to tumble backwards.

I managed to escape from his grasp and climb over the fence onto the other side. We had safely made it back to our cabin when suddenly Amber got an alert from one of our cameras. It was GOT7 trespassing our land. We had made a treaty with them two years ago about what part of the forest was ours and what part was theirs. We were pissed off.

Without hesitation we dropped off the jewel in a safe in our basement and headed out to where they were. When we got there they seemed like they were ready for us. We weren't near the first but rather nearer the city. I stepped up to their leader with Jennie, Amber, and Momo right behind me. Their leader, JB, smirked down at me when Jennie spoke. " What do you punks want now? "

JB laughed and said, " It seems as if someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. " Jennie was about to lunge at him when I stepped in and said, " Oh cut the crap JB. Let's get to the fucking point. My point is that I want to hit you in the face so fucking badly right now, but besides that my group and I have noticed that you're out of your boundaries. This is against our treaty JB and you know that. So is that so that you purposely went against our treaty? "

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