
3.9K 97 11

-1 Year Later-

As the police officers escorted us all outside, I stretched my arms widely and took in a deep breathe with a smile evident on my face. I turned to the other three girls standing behind me and we all smiled at each other. We didn't dare break our promise with the judge. We were going to have a new beginning. Turn the page.

We all decided to go and get a job as a start.

-Time Skip-

We've been walking around and trying to find jobs for hours until we finally came across a cafe that needed exactly four people to hire. We all smiled at each other and thanked the gods. We entered the cafe and asked the manager about the jobs and soon we were working at a cafe.

-Time Skip to 5 months later-

We had all managed to buy us a small house with our payments and we were fine with it. We had also managed to each get another job. Amber had gotten a job as an engineer and helped create new electronics. Jennie had become a model with her great looks and she was soon plastered all over Seoul right after getting the job. Momo became a choreographer and taught dances to students of many ages and even made the choreography for some famous idols. Meanwhile, I became a writer and I was almost finishing my book.

Even though we all had our own jobs and lived in the same house, we all still worked at the cafe since we loved being there and having fun with each other, the customers, and the staff.


I am currently running my way over to the cafe while fixing my bow tie. The others were running right behind me. We had all accidentally woken up a bit late and had to rush to get ready for our morning to afternoon shifts at the cafe.

We all burst in through the cafe door right as our manager, who had us call her auntie, was opening the cafe. We all took deep breaths and I said, " Sorry we're late auntie. " I bowed as she laughed and said, " It's okay. You came right on time. "

We all smiled at her a quickly took our places. I was at the cashier while the others were getting the supplies ready for the drinks and desserts. When the first customers walked in we all started our day.

-Time Skip to 12:30-

Our shifts were almost done but we decided to wait for the other workers to get here. I was looking down at the screen of the cash register and said, " Next in line please. " The group stepped forward as one spoke. " Can we get 5 large Caramel Macchiatos, 1 large black coffee without sugar, 1 large sweetened ice tea, and 7 cookies? " I nodded as I typed it down and said, " So 5 large Caramel Macchiatos, 1 large black coffee with no sugar, 1 large sweetened ice tea, and 7 cookies. Whose name will that be under? " " Jungkook. " I nodded as I wrote down his name on 7 cups. I gave the cups to Amber who began making some while Jennie and Momo made some also.

I looked up at the man as he payed and was shocked. " Jungkook? Guys? " They all just smiled at me as Jungkook spoke. " I can't believe you just realized. Anyways, when does your guys' shifts end? " I gave him his receipt and bag of 7 cookies and said, " Right after you guys get your drinks. " He nodded and said, " We'll wait for you guys so we can catch up. " I smiled and nodded as the young boy doing the next shift took over the cashier.

I helped make the rest of the drinks with the others and placed them into cup holders. The girls were confused when I took off my apron and took the drinks with me as I walked off, but they soon took off their aprons and followed me.

Once they realized that the guys were here they were amazed. They squealed and I was suddenly pulled into a group hug with the other 10 people.

I guarded the drinks and once the hug was over I said, " Okay peeps, we should probably go somewhere else because we take up too much space. And I still have your drinks. " The guys just remembered the drinks and took theirs as I threw away the cup holders and we all walked off as one giant ass group of 7 men and 4 girls.

We ended up at a big park and decided to hang out there. The guys had finished their drinks and cookies and we were all bored so we decided to play tag.  " 1 2 3 Not it! " I shouted. Everybody else was quick to shout out the same thing except for a confused Jungkook.

I laughed as he realized that he was it and as he sulkily walked over to a tree. He began counting to 10 since we were playing tag not hide and seek. I was halfway down the large, empty area of green grass when I heard footsteps following after me. I turned around to see Momo and Hoseok running towards me with Jungkook right behind them.

I glared at them and asked, " Why're you leading him to me? " They both laughed as I began running with them. Suddenly they turned left as I was forced to keep running when Jungkook followed after me. I continued to run faster when he started to gain speed when I was suddenly tackled down by his large form.

We rolled around a bit when we ended up in a familiar position. Jungkook was straddling my thighs as my wrists were playfully held over my head. We were both laughing as Jungkook asked, " Remember this? " I nodded as he sat up and helped me up after him.

We gathered the others and continued to play a few more games until it was night. The sky was painted a dark purple and was splattered with stars while the city was full of lights. We were all still at the park hanging out and we were all currently walking along the bridge that led from the park to another park by crossing over a river.

I was walking quietly while listening to the others laugh and talk when suddenly a hand pulled me away from the group. I looked back to see Jungkook. He gave me a light smile as I walked over to him and cocked my head to the side a bit.

Suddenly his big, strong arms pulled me into a hug as his head rested on mine. I hugged him back as he said, " I missed you so much that I'm even surprised. I didn't think that I'd miss you this much, but I guess I do after being stuck with you for so long. I guess you've just become part of my life. "

I smiled and said, " I missed you and the guys too, but I missed you the most. I guess I had gotten used to having you there. " He pulled away a bit to smile down at me before he let out a shaky breathe and said, " Yuna, I've liked you ever since we met. It was about your courage to protect others before yourself that attracted you to me. Then I found these entirely new sides of you that just make me wanna love you so badly. So, if I may ask. Will you be my girlfriend? "

I smiled at his words, and that he had said my real name to show that he was serious. I looked up at him and said, " I guess that I'd also been attracted to you when we first met. It was something about how you were different form other police officers I'd gone against. Something in you was different. So, I'd love to be your girlfriend Jungkook. "

He smiled at me and his lips soon crashed against mine in a kiss. I laughed and kissed him back before he pulled away.

Suddenly whoops and hollers were coming from behind me. I jumped and turned around to find the others standing there. Some of them were recording while others were pretending to cry *cough* Jin *cough* and the rest were shouting out random things.

Of course they'd ruin the moment. But either way, I laughed it off and held Jungkook's hand as we walked over to them.

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