No Time On My Mind

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I woke up with an aching pain in my back while my legs felt as if they were rocks. I groaned and lifted my hands up to rub at my eyes before I looked around the area I was in. With a sigh, I noticed that I was still on the couch while the two boys were still knocked out on my lap.

I had to pee but I didn't know how to wake the two up and off of me so I sat there feeling very uncomfortable. After a few seconds passed by, my urge to pee grew larger so I quickly began to tap on their faces. After about a minute or two, they had finally awoken and groggily sat up.

I quickly massaged my legs from the slight numbness before I slowly stood up and walked over to the closest bathroom. As soon as I entered the bathroom, I quickly locked the door before I relieved myself with a sigh.

Once I was finished with my business, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands before I walked out the bathroom. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail while I was walking back to the living room, but as soon as I entered the room I sighed.

Taehyung and Jimin were now just cuddling while they slept, not giving a care about anything else. With a sigh, I looked at the bright sunlight shining in through curtains until I suddenly remembered something. I groaned and walked over to the two sleeping males before I began violently shaking them.

" Wake up sleepyheads! You have work!! " I continued to shake them until both suddenly jumped up and rushed over to their rooms to get ready once they realized they were late for work. I chuckled when I saw them trip over nothing during their rush before they were soon rushing out the front door.

Before they left, Jimin popped his head back inside the house and shouted, " Bye Yuri!! Stay safe and we'll be back in a few hours!! " I chuckled and waved him off to get going so he gave me a bright smile and shut the front door before I could see his silhouette rushing up to his car.

I chuckled and walked up to the front door to lock it before I decided to make myself some breakfast. Walking to Jimin's kitchen, I opened the fridge only to find that it was entirely empty. I sighed and checked the cupboards only to find that they were also empty.

So with a sigh, I grabbed my wallet and charging phone before making sure to grab the extra pair of house keys Jimin had given me. I exited the house and made sure to lock Jimin's front door before I began walking to the nearest market. Thankfully, the nearest market wasn't very far so I had an easier time finding my way there and back.

After shopping for what I had needed, I had quickly made my way back to Jimin's house where I had noticed a familiar car parked in his driveway. In confusion, I quickly rushed up to the front door only to find the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

I gulped as he turned around to look at me. His face somewhat hardened as he saw me but I noticed how he seemed to be somewhat more calmer than before. Suddenly, he roughly asked, " Where's Jimin Hyung? I need to speak to him about something. "

I gulped again and looked at the ground before I sighed and rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to let him get the best of me. Staring back up and into his eyes defiantly, I sharply said, " Jimin's at work which is where you should be as well. Sorry to break it to you Jungkook, but if you can't take responsibility over your own child then you should at least take responsibility over your fucking job for God's sake. "

I could see how shock was written all over his face so I forced myself to look away, tears already forming in my eyes. I gently pushed him aside so that I'd get to the front door which I quickly unlocked with the spare key. Before he could get another word out of his mouth, I quickly shut the door and locked it.

I pressed my back against the door as my heart was pounding in my chest. After a few minutes, I could hear his footsteps walking away before his car engine turned on and he drove off. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding before I grabbed the groceries I'd brought inside and carried them to the kitchen.

With a sigh, I grabbed onto my shoulder to release the tension there before I began to put away the groceries. However, I left some supplies out so that I'd make breakfast out of it. After making myself some eggs, vegetables, and rice for breakfast, I decided to make the guys some lunch.

So with a sigh, I cleaned up what I had used before I began making some kimbap, japchae, and bibimbap. After nicely sorting out the foods into trays, I cleaned up my mess and washed the dishes before I packed all the lunches into a bag.

Grabbing my wallet, phone, and spare key I headed out the door after I changed into a different pair of clothes. I turned on my phone to help get directions to the police station. Once I found the correct place and directions, I began walking.

As I was walking, I took a look around and noticed how nice the weather was and how soothing it was to take a walk outside after so long. I took in a deep breath of the fresh air before I noticed some kids playing games together on a playground.

I couldn't help but smile at how they all innocently played their games together as I passed by until suddenly, one of the smallest little boys tripped and fell. I gasped and quickly rushed over to help him as he was now crying out of pain.

I quickly helped him sit back up before I put the food down beside me. Wiping away his years I gently asked, " What's wrong little one? Where are you hurt? " He sniffled and looked up at me with the most innocent eyes ever that I couldn't help but coo at him.

I gently wiped away his tears from his chubby cheeks before I noticed that his knee was now all scraped up and bleeding slightly. I pouted before I grabbed my wallet and pulled out a bandaid and some cleaning disinfectant. He was still sniffling so with a sigh I asked, " What's your name? "

With a pout on his face, he said, " M-my name is...J-Jaehyun.. " I smiled and pat his head lightly before I quickly used the disinfectant to wipe off the dirt and blood. He flinched but I quickly said, " It's okay Jaehyun, you're such a strong little boy. It's okay, it'll only hurt for a few seconds but then it'll be gone okay? "

He nodded as his small hands held onto my arm when I continued to wipe away the blood. I then opened the bandaid before I placed it onto his wound. With a smile, I lightly touched his cheek as I said, " There, see? All done. "

I crumpled the trash in my hand before I reached my other hand out for him and said, " Let's go find your mommy, yeah? " He nodded with a bright smile as he took my hand and I helped him back up gently. We walked around the small playground before a distressed looking woman spotted us.

She quickly rushed over to us and scooped Jaehyun up and into a hug as he giggled. He whispered something into the woman's ear which caused her to stand up straight and turn to me with a bright smile. She bowed slightly before she said, " Thank you so much for taking care of my little Jaehyun. I had gone to throw away some trash while he was playing and when I came back he was gone. Thank you so much for taking good care of him for me. "

I couldn't help but give her a gentle smile and shake my head as I said, " No no! It's okay! You don't have to thank me! " She chuckled before she noticed my belly which caused her to say, " Oh, you're expecting! Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet? "

I gave her a gentle smile and shook my head while saying, " No, I wanted it to be unknown until the baby comes. " She nodded and was going to say something until someone called her. She gave me another smile before thanking me again and excusing herself.

I waved them goodbye before I picked up the food where it sat on the floor and continued to head to the police station.

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