Escaped and Caught Again

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Out of boredom, I was sat on my cell floor and started to use the floor of my cell as a drum playing a random beat. I puffed up my cheeks and blew out a deep breath. I stood up and walked over to the gate of my cell. The big lock was the only thing locking me inside this boring place.

I've so far been in here for three was absolutely boring. I feel as if I'm suffocating. I just feel like running for hours on end until my lungs burned and my legs gave out on me. Being stuck in here was like being trapped inside a closet.

I sighed and looked down the halls to check if anyone was there. Nope. I pulled out a dart from my belt, that they still never took off, and started to use the tip to pick the lock the same way I did with the cuffs. Soon I heard a small click as the lock came undone.

I took it off and pulled the gate towards me to open. Once it was open I closed it silently and put the lock back in place from outside the cell. I put my dart back into my belt as I grinned and began walking down the hall towards the exit. Surprisingly the exit wasn't that far from my cell, and nobody had come yet. I smirked and opened the door leading to outside.

I heard footsteps running from down the hall when I purposely slammed the door shut roughly. I walked off at a fast pace towards the center of the city. I heard thundering footsteps come from behind me when I was at the light. I looked back to see Jungkook speeding his way towards me with a smirk evident on his face as the light for the crosswalk was red.

I smirked right back at him and turned back around and ran right through the street of speeding cars. I ran past cars and rolled over the hoods of a few cars until I was finally at the other end of the street. I looked back to see a shocked Jungkook. I smiled at him and ran.

I felt so relieved and free as I ran and ran, releasing all of me energy I was forced to hold inside of me. My long hair flew behind me as I ran faster every second until I was finally at the center of the city. I stopped running as I made it to a park that connected to the woods.

I walked right through the park with a smile on my face as people walked past me. I casually walked into the forest just as I could hear Jungkook's faint voice from the other side of the entire park. He was loudly asking people if they saw me. I realized that he was probably asking the people who passed by me. Fuck...oh well.

I continued on walking through the woods until I began walking faster once things became familiar. Soon I was at the house. I went in through the back door using the spare key hidden in a safe made into part of the wall to blend into the wood structure of the cabin. I placed the key back into its original place and making sure it was safe before stepping inside and locking the door behind me.

I walked up to my room and stripped of my clothes and weapons. After, I walked into my bathroom and took a warm shower. Once I was clean, I wrapped myself in the only small towel there was in my room and opened the bathroom door. However, right as I opened the door there was a foot flying at me along with two guns pointed at me. I reacted quickly and pushed away Momo's leg as Amber's and Jennie's eyes widened and lowered their guns. Soon Momo realized it was me and apologized.

They were about to question me when a loud knock came from the front door. Fuck. We all stared at each other as the knocking continued. No one moved as if we did, our hideout would be exposed. I quickly dropped my hold on my towel and pulled on some clothes so I wasn't just naked the entire time. I ended up changing into some black undergarments, black ripped shorts, and a black crop top that said 'fuck off' since they were nearest me.

I pulled my now mostly dry hair into a high ponytail and grabbed weapons from the large chest full of different types. I threw some weapons to Amber, Jennie, and Momo as we all began to ready ourselves. I managed to strap four knives onto my thighs with two on each thigh, have two pistols in holsters by my sides, a taser strapped onto my hip, darts tucked into my bra and another pistol in my hand when suddenly a loud crash came from the first floor followed by multiple footsteps.

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