Judge and Jury

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It's been about 3 months since me and my members were put into the cells at the police station. The police are still trying to find and figure out the stuff for our trial. All the exercise we got was when we were moved from one cell to another for when they had to be cleaned out. Although, surprisingly me and my members happened to get along with the 7 officers here.

I am currently laying down on the creaky bed in my cell while humming to a random tune with my eyes closed. Suddenly the gate opened and closed. I opened one eye to find Jungkook standing there. I sat up as he walked over and sat down on the bed in front of me.

He seemed confused as he silently thought about something before he looked up at me and said, " Why didn't you kill any of them? " " What? " I asked. He nodded and said, " When we were in the forest and you were fighting all of those police officers. We had all just realized that every officer you fought hadn't died. Usually people like you would've killed the officers, but you didn't even try. The most you did was put one guy to sleep for about 2 hours and that was it. You didn't use your weapons the way they're supposed to be used. Why? "

I sighed deeply and looked up at the ceiling. They just had to find out. I looked back at Jungkook and said, " There is no such thing as people like me. Everybody is different and those people choose to kill. Me and my group choose not to. Do you know why we choose not to? "

He shook his head and I continued. " We choose not to kill because of very important reasons. One is that we know that after hard, long days of work people go home and are greeted by their loved ones. We don't want to have the guilt of knowing that their loved ones are gonna find out that their husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or anything like that aren't gonna come home anymore. Second is because we know of the harsh reality of the world.

Like I said before we don't like to kill because we know how it feels. Amber, she doesn't kill because even the worst of all people still have a heart hidden under layers and layers of covers. They're too scared to show emotion so they kill. Jennie, she doesn't kill because she knows how it feels to have your most loved one being ripped away from your grasp. It's the worst feeling anyone could have. Momo, she doesn't kill because she's gone through the pain of dying everyday until she was barely even alive. That's something no one should go through. And lastly me. I don't kill because I've figured out that even people like my father and mother once had loved too hard that it just couldn't work out. They had a heart before it was ripped open by the cruel thing called drugs. "

I looked back up from where I was staring at the sheets and asked, " Now you get it? " He thought on my words before slowly nodding. He then said, " We've got a trial. It's tomorrow. " I nodded as he sat up and walked off still thinking about what I said.

-Time Skip-

I woke up earlier than usual because Sugar was trying to sing by shouting at the top of his fucking lungs in Spanish. I groaned and sat up before rubbing my eyes and walking over to the gate. " Shut the fuck up Sugar! And get some damn vocal lessons! You're so off pitch that my ears are gonna bleed! " I shouted.

I heard him laugh down the hall and shut up before he said, " Get ready! You've got your damn trial in like half an hour! " I shook my head and shouted back at him. " What the fuck are we gonna change into!? All we got are these hideous ass stripes! Do you expect us to go into the trial looking like a damn Zebra?! "

He laughed again but this time two other voices were laughing with him and he shouted back a 'Yes'. I grumbled and walked back over to my bed and plopped myself down. I ran my hands through my messy hair to try and untangle the knots.

Soon Jungkook was at my gate and took me out. He had to put cuffs on me since it was his job. He took me to a car and put me in the backseat with an already waiting Amber and Sugar. I said hi to them as Jungkook hopped into the car and we drove off.

Once we got to wherever we were, we were taken inside. After waiting for the judge the trial finally started. My members were all questioned first until finally it was my turn. Instead of being questioned like how my members were, I was questioned by the judge herself. I was forced to stand right in front of her as she asked me questions.

" I want you to tell me your answers truthfully okay? " She asked. I nodded and said, " Yes ma'am. " She nodded and asked, " Are you guilty or not guilty for your crimes? " I immediately answered. " Truthfully speaking, I am guilty for my crimes of theft, running from the police, and jailbreak. " She nodded and asked, " What about murder? " I raised an eyebrow and said, " Pardon? "

She nodded at me and said, " What about murder? Are you guilty for murder? " I shook my head and said, " No ma'am. I nor my members are guilty for murder. If you check our records there are nothing about murder. We aren't like most other criminals who kill without meaning. We don't ever think of killing a male nor female during our acts. Such as I hadn't killed an officer during our fight in the woods. "

She cocked and eyebrow and asked, " Why don't you? What're your reasons? " I nodded and spoke. " I was currently speaking about this yesterday to an officer and I shall tell you why truthfully the same I did with him. Me and my girls don't kill because we don't want to have a weight of guilt on our shoulders. Me and my girls don't want to kill because we know that everybody should have something or somebody waiting for them at home. We don't want to be the cause of a loved one never coming back home to their family one ungrateful day. Me and my girls know how it feels. If I have to say it again then I will.

Amber doesn't kill because she knows how under layers and layers of covers there's a lost heart that has no where to go. Those people deserve to live because eventually they'll find what was waiting for them at the end of their tunnel. Jennie doesn't kill because she knows how it feels to have your most loved one stolen away from you and never to return. Those people go through the worst of times. Momo doesn't kill because she knows what it feels like to die everyday until she was barely even able to breathe. That's that's something that no one should go through. And I don't kill because I know that people who are the cruelest used to have a heart. Those people are lost because the ones they've loved had been taken away from them. These are the reasons why we don't kill ma'am. "

I looked into her eyes and could see the tears in her eyes, ready to fall. She nodded and I was allowed to take a seat.

The trial went on until it was time for the jury and the judge to choose our punishment. Once they finished their conversation outside the judge stepped forward and said, " We will not put you on a death sentence as you haven't done a worse crime such as murder. We will have you put in jail for 5 years if you don't return those you've stolen. If you choose to return everything back in its rightful place I will allow you to only have 3 years jail time. However, if you choose to return all you've stolen back to its rightful owner and stop doing crimes then I will only allow you only 1 year jail time. This will be a gift for your honesty and humanity. "

They allowed us to think it over and we decided to choose the third choice. If we did this, then it'd mean that we could get a second chance. Either way we didn't care because we didn't necessarily like stealing either. I turned towards the judge and said, " We will return all we've stolen and stop our crimes. We want a fresh start and we no longer want to do crimes as it brings us nothing but guilt now. Thank you for your kindness and for giving us the second chance that we needed. "

The judge smiled at me and nodded. Soon we were all being escorted outside and to jail with a smile on all of our faces.

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