Girls Day Out

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It has now been about three weeks since I was kicked out of my house and was forced to separate from the others. Things have been going well for me because I was able to get the help I needed with Jungkook. He was nice enough and provided me with an amazing home that I was grateful to be in. I insisted in helping him pay for rent but he refused.

Work however has been fun yet frustrating. Jungkook also had me quit the job I had been trying to get as a runner by forcing me to stay home on the day the planned interview. I still can't believe his coconut headass literally cuffed me to him so I wouldn't leave.

I sighed and closed my laptop screen and ruffled my hair in frustration. I couldn't think of a good ending for my book I was working on. Everything else was perfectly fine except for the ending. I just couldn't figure it out right. I decided to just call it a day and pushed my laptop away from me.

I stretched and decided to visit the cafe since I had the time. I changed into dark blue jean shorts, that had some rips in it, and paired it with a large white shirt that had black letters spelling out 'BOSS'. I also wore it with some brown timberlands since I felt like dressing up today. I quickly combed my hair and grabbed my phone and wallet before I had a great idea. I immediately turned on my phone and began calling Amber.

She picked up on the second ring and I couldn't help but get excited. " Hello? Why'd you call? " she asked. I smiled brightly even though she couldn't see me and said, " Let's all hang out together for like a 'girls day out' kinda thing! Let's meet up at the cafe and then we can go on from there! " It took her a few seconds to think before she aggressive and said, " Yeah sure, I'll be over in ten. Have you called the others? "

I shook my head and said, " No not yet. I'm gonna call Jennie next but I don't know if her schedule is clear. " I heard her hum in agreement before she said, " I'll call Momo and see if she's free to come. " I agreed and we said our goodbyes before we hung up.

Once I hung up I began calling Jennie. After about the third ring she picked up. She seemed busy doing something like a photoshoot as I heard many voices speaking behind her. " Hello? Yuri? " she asked. I smiled and told her what I had told Amber before asking, " Can you come? It sounds like your busy with a photoshoot or something. "

She denied and said, " No, I just finished. I'll have my manager drop me off. I'll be there in a few minutes cause I'm not that far. " I nodded and we said our goodbyes before we both hung up. I smiled brightly and began walking to the cafe.

It took me about 15 minutes for me to get there even though Jungkook's house is a bit farther away. When I began walking to the front entrance I immediately saw Momo and Amber sitting by the window. When I entered, they both turned their heads, along with many other people, to see if it was me before they both smiled and motioned me over to them.

Momo looked at my outfit and said, " You look so hot in that outfit. I didn't even know you owned those type of clothes. " I laughed and said, " I've had them for awhile. I just never found the time to wear it and so I decided to today. " She nodded and I looked to see what her and Amber were wearing out of instinct.

Momo was wearing a high waisted white skirt along with a light pink crop top and pink converse highs. Amber was wearing beige khakis and a black shirt along with some regular black vans. As we began to talk about random things the door opened and we all peeked over to see Jennie who was wearing light blue jean shorts and a white shirt along with a brown cardigan and a pair of brown leather boots.

Once she sat down we all talked about what we wanted to get. After finishing our discussion I stood up to go and order our drinks at the cash register. They all said that they'd buy their own stuff but I insisted that I would treat us so they had no choice but to listen.

I stepped into the line and repeated what everybody wanted just in case I forgot. Eventually it was my turn to order. I smiled at the girl at the cash register once I remembered who she was. She returned the smile and asked for my order. I told her the drinks I wanted and she smiled again and nodded before putting in the order.

I payed and said a small thank you to her before I headed over to where the drinks were picked up. As I waited, I played flappy bird on my phone. I was intently staring at my screen while I continued to tap away at my phone. I blinked and lost when I heard my name being called.

I groaned as I was about to beat my highest score and put my phone into my back pocket. I thanked the boy who gave me the drinks before I headed back to the girls. They all thanked me and we stood up as one group. We all decided to go to the park where a carnival was currently being held. I forgot as to why there was the carnival but I continued on my way with the girls.

We all joked around and had fun on our way to the park. When we got there, there was a huge crowd of people along with many games and rides along with booths and stands for food. We all awed at the sight as we had never been able to see something like this before.

We decided to split into two pairs and I was with Amber while Momo was with Jennie. The first thing I wanted to do was ride the roller coasters so Amber and I both headed over to the roller coasters first.

I laughed lightly and said, " I guess this is how we're spending our girls day out. "

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