Just Another Incident

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I was baking some cookies with the girls while the four other boys were busy doing whatever in the living room when the doorbell went off. Seeing that all the others were busy, I headed over to the front door to open it.

Thinking it was Seokjin and Yoongi, I opened the door and asked, " Don't you have the house keys though? " However, as soon as I looked up, I froze in my place as the person came in view.

There stood a confused Jungkook with a bruise forming on his jaw while his hair was messy as if he had been running his hand through it multiple times. As soon as his face looked shocked, it was quickly overthrown with anger as he rudely asked, " Why are you here? Are you going to begin hoeing around with Yoongi Hyung too? Are you the reason why he punched me? "

Confused, I was at a loss for words until suddenly somebody popped up right next to me. Hoseok's cheery voice spoke to Jungkook as pair of arms gently lead me away from the front door and to the living room. I turned to the person to find it was Jimin as he gave me a small smile, both of us leaving Hoseok with Jungkook at the door.

Jimin helped me to sit on the couch before he asked, " Did he say anything mean or rude to you? " I gulped and looked elsewhere which answered his question as the others suddenly all popped up into the living room at the same time.

I heard the front door close as footsteps headed over which caused everybody to look to see who was coming. In walked Hoseok with Seokjin and Yoongi and once they noticed our stares, Seokjin jokingly said, " Damn, I knew I was worldwide handsome but...you don't have to tell me. "

I rolled my eyes at him while everyone else just groaned and Namjoon said, " Hyung, I think you need to stop. This is serious. Jungkook was literally just here. " Seokjin gasped at this and he quickly rushed to my side to ask if I was okay. I simply just brushed him off so he allowed me to have my space.

Right then, the timer for the cookies had gone off so the girls rushed off to get them. I chuckled until I was suddenly being lifted into the air with a cautious gentleness. I turned to see that it was Jimin and Taehyung. I furrowed my brows at them but before I could ask Jimin had already said, " BYE HYUNGS! WE'RE LEAVING WITH YURI NOW!! "

With that, the two of them began leading me out the house while grabbing my stuff on the way out. We made our way to Jimin's car where we piled in all my stuff into the trunk since it was simply just a large suitcase of my clothes and other random shit.

I sat down in the backseat with Taehyung while Jimin drove us to his house in silence. During the drive, Taehyung had reached over to turn on some music which he had soon began singing along to. While he was singing, he purposely made funny and weird faces which caused me to chuckle and smile.

This continued until we had gotten to Jimin's house where we pulled up and into the empty driveway. Exiting the car, I took a glance around at his house. It was a nice and petite looking house that seemed to have a sort of Jimin touch to it.

I grabbed my phone and wallet from the backseat and headed inside the house, letting Taehyung carry in my bag since he wanted to oh so dearly. As we entered, Jimin flicked on the lights and displayed the clean inside of the house.

After awhile had passed by, I was already settled into Jimin's house and my stuff was put into the second guest room. I simply wanted to sit on the couch and watch TV until the two boys began begging and giving fits when I said that they couldn't touch my belly anymore.

After about twenty minutes had passed by, I gave up and allowed them to touch my belly as we all watched some TV shows together. After watching about twenty episodes of the TV show, Jimin and Taehyung had fallen asleep while I on the other hand however, on what seemed like the hundredth episode, felt myself become more and more tired. Soon enough, I had eventually fallen asleep with the two males using my lap as a cushion.

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