Jealous Bunny

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I was still at the park with the girls. We all gathered together about an hour ago after getting bored from all of the rides. We are now just walking around the booths and carts to play games and buy some snacks.

As we were walking, a small stuffed bunny caught my eye. I couldn't help but stop walking to stare at it. It was adorable and looked so soft that I walked up to the booth and gently touched it. It was softer than what I had expected that I gasped quietly. Jungkook would've liked it.

This is what it looks like^^

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This is what it looks like^^

Suddenly a young man from the booth walked up to me and asked, " They're cute right? Here, you can get one if you can shoot three basketballs into the hoop. Here give it a try. " Although I thought it was cute, the game was pretty expensive and Jungkook would've gotten mad if I'd wasted so much money getting a toy.

I smiled at him and shook my head while saying, " No thank you, it's just that it caught my eye. " He shook his head as well and said, " No No, do it. Here if you can at least shoot one hoop then I'll give you the bunny. You don't have to pay all you have to do is just shoot one hoop. Here, give it a try. "

Even though I kept denying, he gave me a basketball and I couldn't help but just throw it into the hoop. He looked at me shocked and smiled before he walked behind him and grabbed another bunny which was the exact same as the one I was looking at before.

I smiled and thanked him but he just shook his head and said, " Anything for a pretty lady like you. " I was feeling awkward now because I had a boyfriend and another guy was flirting with me. I don't even know why this guy was talking to me. Shouldn't he be doing his job?

I just stared at him while the man continued on. " How about I get your number so we can hang out some other time? Maybe I can get you another bunny but bigger? " I shook my head as I was starting to get annoyed and said, " No thank you, I already have a boyfriend and he's gonna get pissed if he finds out that I was talking to a random man trying to ask for my number. Now if you'll excuse me, my friends are waiting for me. "

I tucked the bunny under my arm and began walking away where I saw the girls walking earlier. Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and tugged me back. I looked back to see the same man and I glared at him as he said, " Come on, I know you're just saying that you've got a boyfriend to get away. Just a number won't harm anyone. "

I shook his hand off my wrist and said, " Hey, look here buddy. You should be doing your job instead of bothering girls because I'm pretty sure that you're gonna end up being that one booth that goes and complains because someone stole something while you were too busy trying to get into a girl's pants. Now I ask again, leave me alone. "

He shook his head and stepped closer to me until we were barely a foot apart. His hand held onto some strands of my hair and I stepped away from him. However, he grabbed onto my wrist again and pulled me to him before wrapping his arms around me tightly. As I was about to knee him in the crotch, someone shouted at us from my right.

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