Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

This is gonna be sorta filler chapter. I dont have much time so its gonna be short.


Ten minutes into the Grown Ups movie we happened to be watching like the best of friends, there was a knock on the door. I jumped up and made my way to the door to answer it. I was in the process of reaching for the door handle when none other than Derek Hale beat my hand to it. When had he got there. I didn't even see him follow me to the door. Oh well. I stepped back when he began turning the knob and opening the door. My mother and Talia stood on the porch with tons of bags in both their arms. What the hell did they buy? "Sorry we took so long honey, the mall had a bunch of cute stuff on sale and Talia and I just couldn't help ourselves." She said, looking like a school girl. "Oh and we bought you two some stuff too." Talia finished, also looking like a school girl coming back from a shopping spree. "Is it just me or do they look younger?" Derek whispered to me. I shrugged. "Excuse you young man but we are not that old!" His mother exclaimed. "Now are you two going to move out of the way or have us standing here forever." Mom said while pushing me and Derek out of the way so they could get by.

We hearded into the living room, where our moms threw their bags onto the couch me and Derek were just sitting at. They started pulling all kinds of clothes, jewellery, and hair accessories out of the bags; raving on about everything being so cute, when they finally got to the last bag. Talia pulled out a nice leather jacket. "Put it on Derek and see if it fits." Talia ordered. I watched as Derek took the jacket from his mother and slipped it on with ease. My face heated up just a tad. He looked so good in that jacket. It was clung to him in all the right places, showing off his slim but muscular athletic body and bulging arm muscles. Even looked good with those jeans that were slim around the legs and hips and showed off how well endowed he is on his hips. Whoa dirty mind, what just went through my head. Derek looked up at me and saw me staring at his body and smirked. "You know if you want to touch it you can." He said cockily. I rolled my eyes.

"And risk getting an STD, no thank you." I replied.

"Does that mean you want to?" He smirked.

"You know what," I said, while walking really close to him and putting on what I hoped was a sexy face, "I do want to touch you." I was now right in front of him. "Here." I said lowly, running my hands slowly up his thighs. My fingers stopping at his hips and my palms on either side of his manhood, on the front of his jeans. His eyes darkened drastically. Going from hazel to black, signalling me he was getting turned on. "Here." My hands now sliding up, making sure to brush against his manhood, which I could feel was becoming hard, and hooking my fingers in his belt loops. Letting my thumbs rub the skin right above his jeans up under his shirt. He gulped, his hands finding mine as he held them there a bit longer. His head starting to tilt back, so he's looking at the ceiling. "Here." I slowly started to move my hands upward, still under his shirt and him still holding my hands, over his toned abs where I dipped my hands into every crevice and his grip on my hands tightened, keeping my hands to his stomach. "Please." He whispered to me, desperate for more. Wow he's really enjoying this. I'm disgusted. This is so gross, but I must bear with it until my plan hits the end. I have a surprise for him. I trailed my hands up more till I reached his pectorals and "accidentally" brushed his nipples. "Ohh." He moaned, and I raised an eyebrow before repeating the process and running my hands over his nipples again. He moaned again before stopping my hands over them and holding them there. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel for a couple of seconds before loosening his grip and letting me continue. I pulled my hands from under his shirt, which he made a shinning noise to, and continued on a trail up his neck, where he shivered, and to his face. I gripped the back of his head and he opened his eyes and looked down at me. He started to lean in for a kiss so I leaned in too. Right when our lips were about to touch, I slapped him. He stumbled back with a shocked look on his face. Staring at me with wide eyes. Talia and mom burst into laughter. "Good one, he needed to be brought down a couple notches." Talia wheezed through her laughter.

"Oh thanks mom." Derek said rubbing his cheek.

The laughter soon died down and we were all back to normal, except for Derek, who was glaring at me. "Alright and this is for you Jesse." Mom said pulling out anime from her f.y.e. bag and handing it to me. I squealed, jumping up and down.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I screamed, taking the anime from her.

"You're such a nerd." Derek said. I glared at him.

"Well at least I'm not a man whore." I said back.

Our parents looked at each other before rolling their eyes. "Now we have more for you two but you're not getting it until your birthdays in a week." Mom said. Phooey.

"Well we should get going." Talia said to mom. "Alright be safe." Mom said leading them out the door. I went up to my room.

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