You Watch Star Wars

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Leonard: You stare at the screen, awed, as Anakin's pod shoots forward. Sheldon is visiting his mother in East Texas, so you and Leonard have some time to yourselves. Of course, you started with The Phantom Menace(WHICH IS NOT  AS BAD AS PEOPLE SAY IT IS!), since it's Episode 1. You are completly immersed in the movie. When Anakin crossed the finish line, you cheered. You absolutely adored Padme. You decided to watch all the Star Wars movies, since you had time. You cried when Anakin almost died, Padme actually did die, and Han Solo was frozen in carbonite. You cheered when Jabba the Hutt was killed, and when both Death Stars exploded. You loved every minute of the movies. You wanted to watch them again, but it was really late and Leonard said you could watch them all again like that on Star Wars day, which was in a month. You couldn't wait.

Sheldon: It was Star Wars Day. Raj made Attack of the Scones, and while Sheldon didn't allow you to have any R2-Decaf coffee, he did let you drink Chai Tea-3PO(these puns are from The Big Bang Theory. Please don't sue me). You all settled down on the couch while Sheldon introduced you to the schedule. "First we watch The Phantom Menace, then we take an hour to complain about it, then we watch Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. Any questions?"

"No," you answered. "Let's just start watching!" You loved everything. You didn't understand why they needed an hour, or any time at all, really, to complain about the Phantom Menace, but you knew better than to ask questions. It was your bedtime when you finished watching Star Wars, so Sheldon carried you to your room and tucked you in. You fell asleep clutching your C3PO doll.

Howard: The guys got together and decided to watch Star Wars. They got into an argument about which movie to watch. "We're watching The Phantom Menace," Sheldon said.

"Why," Howard asked. "Can't we watch The Empire Strikes Back, which we all agree is the best one?"

"No. We're watching The Phantom Menace."

"None of us like The Phantom Menace! You don't even like The Phantom Menace, and you're crazy!"

"The decision to watch The Phantom Menace isn't out of desire, it's out of necessity. (Y/N) has never watched Star Wars before. And I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested." So you were watching The Phantom Menace. You agreed with your uncles that it was terrible(it's really not). Raj brought up the fact that technically they could have watched A New Hope instead because it was the first one made, which brought a whole round of arguments. However, you couldn't wait to watch another.

Raj: Raj had just been dumped by his girlfriend, so you suggested watching Star Wars, thinking it would cheer him up. Your hypothesis was valid. Raj was so excited that you wanted to watch Star Wars that he texted Howard, Leonard, Sheldon, and Penny. You watched the movies in Machete Order; A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, The Phantom Menace(you insisted), Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, and Return of the Jedi. You loved it. Your favorite movie was Revenge of the Sith, and the next day you called Sheldon and chattered excitedly about the movies for over an hour.

Penny: Penny had to work, so she asked Leonard to babysit you. That day was Star Wars day. Howard gave you some R2-Decaf coffee when the others weren't looking, and you ate several Attack of the Scones. You settled in with the others. When Penny got back, you were half way through A New Hope. You begged Penny to let you stay and watch the rest of the movies, and after Sheldon promised he wouldn't make her sing him Soft Kitty next time he was sick, she agreed to let you stay. It was past your bedtime when the movies were finished, and you fell asleep right when the credits came on for Return of the Jedi

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