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Cisco sat in the speedlab, his legs were crossed into a basket and his hands were placed on his knees. He gazed at Sonny, who was sitting across from him, mirroring his pose. The boy had just begun to regain his hearing, but it was far from perfect. Sonny's blue eyes bore into Cisco's, a small bead of sweat rolled down the child's head. The Lab around them was dim and eerily quiet. Cisco could hear his own heart beating, "breath," Cisco said, his voice louder than usual. The child pulled in a deep breath and exhaled loudly, "Okay, now try," he encouraged his pupil. The kid squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his mouth tightly. Cisco watched in amazement, behind the child a large purple breach flickered to life, pulsating with energy. The air swirled and twirled around it, pulling everything it could in. However, the tear in space did not last long. Within moments of its awe inspiring brith, it's shimmering and dancing form flickered back into the nothingness whence it came. Cisco exhaled loudly. The small boy peeled open his eyes and his shoulders began to droop.

"Sorry Mr Cisco, I can't do it," Sonny sighed, his eyes dropped to the floor.

Cisco felt a small smile tweak his lips. He could not count the number of times he had said something so similar, only to pull through and achieve his goal. Sonny was facing a hurdle, he was struggling to maintain his focus long enough to open a breach and his emotion was not strong enough, "you can," Cisco replied, his voice nearly yelling to ensure the child could hear him, "I know you can, you just need to put more emotion behind it,"

"I don't know how to do that," Sonny protested, his small hands clenched into tiny fists and he let out a small huff of frustration.

Cisco was silent for a moment. The boy had used his powers before, but it was out of pure fear. Vibe knew that the boy remembered very little of his whole ordeal, but he did remember some of it. "When was the last time you saw your mother?" Cisco asked impassively, his face remained in a state of stony calmness.

"The night that we went to her Lab and the building exploded," he explained hesitantly, his little eyebrows pulled together into a frown.

"Describe what happened," Cisco commanded, the boy froze and tilted his head to one side. Cisco paused, "tell me what happened as though you are writing a story,"

Air rushed out of the boy's lungs, "Well we went into mum's Lab. It was really dark and super creepy because we were the only ones there," he trailed off and his eyes stared off into space, "but then there was a really loud bang and everything went flying about, mum got knocked into one of the tanks and I remember hitting the ground really hard," he pulled his eyebrows together once more, "everything was burning," his voice cracked a little, his blue eyes began to water softly, "the smoke was everywhere and Mum wouldn't wake up. My throat hurt really bad and it was so hot and everything was turning red and I wished I could be anywhere else but in the Lab. I remember holding mum's hand because it was really scary... but then I can't remember a thing," a small glittering tear rolled down his rounded cheeks.

Cisco placed a hand on the child's shoulders. Sonny's gaze rose to meet his, "that emotion you are feeling right now, that fear, turn it into power," Sonny nodded his head and pulled in a shaky breath. Closing his eyes, the child began to focus and sure enough a small breach steadily began to grow behind him. It pulsated steadily, waves of nauseating power rolled off of it. Cisco felt a smile tear at his face. The breach was stable.

Caitlin stood tall, her gaze defiantly bore into Savitar's. Her jaw was set and her arms crossed firmly over her chest. He stood on the other side of the very glass that imprisoned him, a smirk was spread cheekily over his features and his hands were stuffed loosely into his pockets. He could only speculate why she was there, but in his mind it could only be something bad. She sucked in a deep breath, "This is going to sound strange but I am going to need you to lift up your shirt for me,"

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