Plans and Plotting

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Caitlin blinked softly. She was sitting in the smallest corner of her cell, her head was pounding. Her eyes had begun to grow much more accustomed to the dark, she could nearly make out the features of Ethan as he sat against the furthest wall from her. Her mind was racing at top speed, so quickly she would have put Barry to shame. The dusty and dry air of the cave was suffocating her, but she kept her breathing calm and steady. It always helped her think if she remained calm. She ran over her thoughts in her head a few times. There were quite a few blanks in the idea she had painted in her mind. She hoped Ethan could help her fill them, "Ethan?" She asked softly, hoping he was awake.

"What is it this time?" He sighed, his figure deflated with the breath.

Caitlin just rolled her eyes, "I think I have an idea to how we could get out of here,"

"We? Since when was there ever a 'we'?" He snorted, but he sat up straight. Caitlin could see the light reflecting from the whites of his eyes which were staring straight at her, but she could see little else of him. She could understand why he was acting so difficult. In his mind they played for complete opposite teams and she had been one of the people to hold him captive. To an extent, she could sympathise with him, she had played a major role in keeping him locked away from the real world and his revenge, and she had asked him for help only for it to backfire in his face, she was a large obstacle in his path.

"Do you want to hear me out, or not?" She retorted, she knew that if she wanted to grab his attention she would need to be a little harsh. That made it seem as though she wasn't pitying him, as though she wasn't trying to help him. In all truth, she wouldn't want anyone to have to suffer through what they were experiencing. She missed her team more than ever, and the constant boredom was sucking the life from her.

A moment of airy silence passed. She could almost hear his inner debate. She would give him time to decide, after all, it's not like they were going anywhere in a hurry. "Fine," he snapped suddenly, "I will hear your little idea, but don't get me wrong, I am not teaming up with you unless it is really worth the effort,"

Caitlin suppressed a retort. It would be worth his time and she had a niggling feeling he knew that, "do you have a lump in the back of your right hand?" She asked. If he did then that would confirm her theory.

A few seconds passed. Ethan had a nasty habit of making her wait for his reply, not that she minded. It meant he was actually thinking about his reply rather than blurting out the first thing that came to his mind. Caitlin had been trying to get Cisco to do that for years. "I do," he huffed, his voice hitched slightly.

"I have one too," she added quickly, "I think it is a microchip that is some how controlling when we can use our powers. I noticed it when I was in the arena and I certainly did not have it before we were taken," She sucked in a breath of air, she could feel his eyes bearing into her, "but I think if we find a way to disable them then we could potentially escape with the use of our powers,"

He hummed lowly, "makes sense, but what are you planning to do when you have your powers back? Are you just going to fight your way out?" He was taunting her, but she was greatfull, after all that was something she had not given much thought to.

"I'm sure Killer Frost would love a good brawl," she sighed, "but for now we just need to find a way to disable the chips,"

He remained silent for a moment. She could see his form shifting in the darkness, his lips were tugged slightly down and his expression had slightly morphed into that of thoughtfulness, "did you pass a really messy workshop on your way back from the arena?" He asked her.

"Yes, I did," she replied. She had thought little of it, her mind had still been frazzled from Killer Frost's take over.

"Good, because I think that is our best bet at finding plans or blueprints or something for these chips," he told her. Caitlin felt a thrill of triumph wash over her. A goofy smile split her face. She was glad his vision was bad in one eye, he most likely couldn't see her face.

"Sounds like a plan," She chirped happily, which only earned her a weary sigh.

Team Flash had gathered once more in the Cortex. The lights were on high and everyone looked slightly groggy. It had been a good few weeks since the first attack on Sonny, since then it had only gotten worse. Barry felt as though his body was weighed down, even the coffee in his hands could not make him feel more energised. Iris was standing by his side, her arms were crossed and she was staring at him from the corner of her eye. Barry knew she was worried about him, but he brushed it off. Cisco and Harry were seated behind the welcome desk of the cortex. All the monitors in the room displayed tens of faces and names, all of them breachers, "So Gypsy got in contact with me," Cisco told them, his voice banged inside of Barry's head, "she knows why all of the attacks on Sonny have become so frequent. The leader of the Breacher's Brotherhood has put a bounty on Sonny's head a few weeks back,"

"So That's why there's been so many of them," Barry croaked. A rough sigh escaped his lips. He wasn't sure when the last time he had been able to sleep through the night was. Sonny was attacked so frequently that he had taken to sleeping in the lab to protect the kid, but time had a funny way of catching up to him.

"In that case the number of breachers from all universes could be endless, maybe we should tackle the root of the problem and take out The Breacher's Brotherhood," Iris suggested with a shrug of her shoulders. Her curled hair bounced off of her shoulders delicately.

"Gypsy and her foundation have been looking for the leader of that gang for years, if they couldn't find him, than what makes you think we can?" Cisco replied, running a hand through his curly hair.

"We have something they don't," she replied with a cheeky smile. Barry arched an eyebrow at her, "we have several geniuses and a man that can run faster than the speed of sound,"

Barry felt a smile sneak onto his face, "I think we should give it a try, we can't defend Sonny constantly forever since we don't know when he will become undetectable again,"

Cisco threw his hands up into the air, "What the heck, lets give it a go,"

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