Academia Siege!/Shade's Real Plan...

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The robots finally stood atop the complex. Each had a speaker attached to their back.

"Ahem, Hello! This is Shade, and I guess I'm on radio duty...yeah, hearing old handjob, wow...but truthfully, if you don't come out of that damn building...YOU DEAD! And...god, trying to invent more threats is a chore...just, do it. Okay? Well I'm gonna' go take a dump, enjoy this...maybe you'll find some hope, before being DEAD! Follow it on Twitter, it's @shadestylez. Actually don' isn't a thing...anyway call me, call back with a response!"

(Play Song)

We were hiding in the dorm building, all of us huddled around the largest room; storage. Not the best, but it helped. Sucks...

I had lost that day. I assumed we could help, but we failed...I failed.


Jumping up in my gear I managed to get the drop on Shade. Deku was in tow, after most of our students were cut by the combination of his knife skills, and the robots having that feature. A sick joke.

"SMASH!" Deku slammed down, but barely even had a hit on him; he simply replied by doing what his Quirk would do...break his arm. A solid twist, and crack, done. "Augh?!"

"God...That was lucky...Ow!" I hit him square in the gut with a kick. "Why do you try so hard, asshole?!"

"I'm a goddamn hero...unlike you,"

"Bullshit. I was a great hero...welp, until that day. My gal List decides to break up with me...ugh...and the same day, a group of Students decide to break me. Ever had every single bone from the head down broken? That happened. Suddenly, I am told I am history; no more hero work, nothing..." Shade stood back up, brandishing his knife. "See...before that? I was the alpha. Then, I lose one fight against a villain....suddenly everyone turns their backs on me..."

I still was wary, still certain this was just talk.

"List fucking abandoned me because she was 'worried' about associating with a Quirkless loser...they justified it with, 'it is only natural', 'Quirkless are not heroes for that reason' loss...get it buddy? Same will happen to you!" He sliced towards me, and I removed the knife, before he gave a palm to my face.

He had his legs in the position to pin me in an awkward, and painful position.

"Buddy...unless you're a cheater like salad-head here, you're a novelty. They praise you, they build ya' up because your something new. But...the moment you lose? They lose interest and their bias confirmed!" During this line, he was beating me senseless, bruises and cuts appearing on me.

Tossing me aside next to Deku, himself tearing up. We had finally understood; One-For-All. He got it, we didn't. And to both of us, it was unfair.

More so to Shade.

"And guess what? They move on to the next novelty ahead. Example, you...once you lose, no one remembers a Quirkless like you...night night..." And a foot knocked me out cold.

The day the UA campus was a prison was a week or so in length. A week. More strike teams have attacked, some achieving a goal, others being trapped with us.

All healed up, yet ready to drop all the same. Ashido And Kyoka were having to handle new arrivals that survived the initial attack. Bakugo well...he was a double edged sword. Sure, he was great at attacking a few patrols from campus. But...towards me...

"See, that's what happens when you don't have a quirk! We could have avoided this!" I honestly cared less about his opinions, opting to focus on the repairs, and creation of a super suit that would be my new medium.

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