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"caught in the midst of you insecure winds, breakin us down and wearin us thin"

Val's pov

"You did what!?" Nancy screamed in the lunch room and my eyes widen at her sudden outburst.

Let's take it back a couple of seconds, so I saw Billy in the hallway and he asked me too make out, so being the person I am, my freak out starts to happen in my head.

So I'm all getting anxious in class because lunch needs to happen so I can talk to Nancy. Then lunch finally comes around, I tell Nancy Billy and I kissed.

"Are you crazy!?" Nancy asked and I just put my hands over my face.

Yes I was completely fine when with Billy but right now I'm not because now I'm thinking clearly I guess?

What am I thinking? Do I actually think me and Billy could work?

"I don't know Nancy all I know is that I liked it and I want to keep doing it" I said and groaned.

Billy is a player and maybe he's acting this nice to me just to get in my pants, I mean boxer assholes do that right?

But Billy wasn't being an asshole to me, then I think maybe it's all an act?

"You told me you DIDNT like him" Nancy said and I can hear the confusion in her voice. I frown because at first I didn't but now I kinda do.

What does that make me now? Just like all the other girls that fall for his spell?

"How could you even like him he's an asshole" she said and a way of irritation went through my body.

"You liked my brother when he was an asshole and Billy may be an asshole to other people but he's hasn't been with me" I said not sure why I am protecting Billy because he could be acting.

"He's dangerous!"


"He's an illegal boxer Val open your eyes!" She said and I could tell should was getting very upset.

"Why are you getting so upset!?"

"Because he will hurt you Val" she said and I frown at her because I didn't want to believe her.

I didn't want to think he would but we are talking about Billy here. The guy that annoys me, the guy I was literally arguing with a week ago.

"I gotta go" I said quickly getting up.

I'm the type of person to push people away from my life when I feel the slightest bit threaten. Billy was too much of a man whore to believe he suddenly wants to be with me.

I'm scared to actually put feelings into Billy and then just get shut down. I walked out of the cafeteria because I didn't want to talk to Nancy anymore.

Ever since I over heard Steve and her taking she has been acting different, I been avoiding her but I also notice she is avoiding me too. I just really hope she's not playing both of them. I want to talk to her about it but then I don't want too because I'll be mad at her.

"Hey sis" I hear Steve say snapping me out of my thoughts. "Have you seen Nancy" he asked and I point to the cafeteria letting him know she was in there.

He then rushes into the cafeteria which made me look at him in confusion but I just walk to class even though it's no where near the time to go.

 Beautiful and Damaged/ Billy Hargrove Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora