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"It's better when it feels wrong"

Val's pov

"No I'm not doing it"

"Come on Val please" Jonathan said as he begged for me to talk to Nancy.

Jonathan is trying to be a peace maker here which I'm not down for because first of all, I still don't like what she did at all.

Second of all, I just don't want to do it and I think that's a pretty good reason.




"Please" He said dragging the 'e' at the end.

"Oh my fuck, I swear my stubbornness rubbed off on you" I said groaning throwing myself on my bed.

Two days have past since I last saw Billy, yes he has tried to talked to me and knock on my window but I would just flip him off or tell him to fuck off.

I haven't talked to Steve in a week, he would try to talk to me but I would only give him short answers and walk off.

Um I give no fucks.

Now Jonathan really wants me to have a conversation with Nancy because she feels so bad about what happen.

Honestly it's been a week and I'm tired of sulking over it and I'm taking people comments and looks well- I guess.

I thought I would break down every time someone would say something. But if anything it makes me mad and want to punch a bitch.

"Jonathan I don't know I'll think about but we have to leave for school" I said getting up from my bed and getting my bag.

I didn't hear what Jonathan as I walked out my room and downstairs. I then hear Jonathan behind me.

My mom, dad, and Steve are sitting at the table eating breakfast, I smile at my parents.

"Morning sweetie" they both say at the same time and I walk to the table grabbing me and Jonathan fruit.

I tell them me and Jonathan are walking to school and say goodbye to them.

As we are walking down the road Jonathan spoke up.

"Are you inviting me over to hurt Steve"

My whole face went confused because I never even thought of doing that. Jonathan is my best friend and the only person I have.

As much as I hate what Steve did, I would never hurt him on purpose.

"What the fuck- no" I said "Jonathan your my best friend, the only one I have"

He just nodded and we continue to walk. Now that I think about it- that probably is selfish of me to just invite Jonathan over while Steve is hurting and I frown.

As we got to the school we both went to our lockers since they were in different places. I walk past the group of rich pretty girls who think they rule the school and I can feel their eyes on me. I can feel the judgement.

But one girl I definitely noticed is the hoe Clare that tried to get with Billy but failed.

At first I ignored them by getting the stuff I needed out of my locker but now my ears are open to their conversation.

"Yeah she doesn't even know her dad"

"They probably kept it a secret because they hate her"

"How can Steve's dad even love her"

"Her mom is a hoe I bet she doesn't even know the father to her disgrace child"

Right when that bitch Clare mention my mom something snapped inside of me. I slammed my locker shut.

I slowly walked up to them "what. the fuck. did you just say?"

I can hear a lot of people go quiet.

"I'm sorry, what" she lightly laughed in my face. My hands are going into fist.

I suddenly feel someone pull me back.

"Hey Val, just walk away" I hear Steve but I ignored and got closer to her.

"I said what the fuck did you just say"

She chuckled as if she wasn't scared but I was honestly two seconds away from doing something I know I'll regret.

"First your moms a hoe,your a fat disgrace I don't know how Billy even likes you..."

She continued to talk but the more words that came out of her mouth the more my nails were stabbing my own skin from my hands forming into fist. I couldn't hear what she was saying anymore.

Next thing I know my arm swung to hit her in the face and I'm on top of her hitting her as she pulled my hair.

I hear people in the back yelling and I suddenly feel multiple hands on me to get me off of her.

I'm pulled back and I see it was Billy and Steve

"Crazy bitch!" Clare yelled holding her bloody nose.

"Fuck you!" I yell at her as they both pull me away from the situation.

They took me outside and immediately Steve is yelling at me.

"What the fuck were you thinking Val!"

He does not have the right to yell at me for getting in a fight when he used to get into fights all the time.

"Fuck off Steve, she called our mom a hoe I can deal with people calling me names but not our parents" I said

When I said that his face showed he was hurt.

"I'm fucking trying here Val" Steve said. Referring to how I haven't talked to him in a week.

"Can you just let me think!?" I said.

He rolled his eyes out me,  "Fine whatever" he said storming back into the school.

"You could have gotten hurt" I suddenly hear Billy said I chuckled at him because he couldn't be serious.

"You have no fucking right to talk-ass"

"You know, that was very hot I wonder where you got the moves from" he said smirking at me.

Cocky motherfucker.

"You aggravate me so much" I said and he just fucking laughed! He laughed!

This is what I'm talking about.

"Princess when are you going to stop being mad at me" he said softly putting his hand on my cheek and I smack it away.

"I shouldn't have to tell you" I said walking away from him and going back into the school. As soon as I go back into the school I see the principal.



Hey I hope you guys like this chapter COMMENT WHAT YALL THINK!

 Beautiful and Damaged/ Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now