Chapter 27, 28, 29, & 30

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  L's dad: but other than that, how's your life? like a love life?
Lilly: i mean it's okay. the thing is is in in love with a man. he always knows how to make me smile. his laugh & smile brights up my day, & he's a youtuber. we've been friends for the longest time ever & i love him. a lot. *the next day at lauren's she woke up to a breakfast in bed from alex*
lauren: you didn't.
alex: i did. :) *he put it on her lap & kissed her on the forehead* i love you. i'm blessed so so much.
lauren: so am i. so. when are you going to meet my parents?
alex: i already did baby. they're so nice & amazing i love them really! we all need to hang out soon. for some dinner.
lauren: what about tonight!? i'll ask them if you're fine with it.
alex: yes! *back at lily's place*
parents: so lilly, last day. remember that old amusement park we went to when you were younger? we would go like all the time. *they smiled*
lilly: oh my gosh yes!! parents: well we got tickets.
lilly: seriously thank you guys. *they ate lunch & went to the amusement park. back at laurens*
lauren: did they really like you? or did you just impress them?😏
alex: i did both. a little but it was when i told them about you & im an emotional man at times especially when it comes to you so i was super emotional. they really helped me. *by this time it was night time & they met at the restaurant & talked on & on with so many laughs & smiles. at the airport. they hugged lilly*
lilly: thank you guys. i'll keep you guys updated with the doctor situation. i love you guys.
mom: i love you so much lily never take that for granted. i'll miss you.
dad: i loved seeing you & bringing back the past. please keep us updated.
lilly: goodbye guys. *she walked off & got onto the plane. back at alex & lauren in the car*
lauren: trust me alex i'm not even kidding they like you a lot. i've never see them like this.
alex: i'm glad because i can't remember ever impressing a family as much as this.
lauren: maybe we're just meant to be. *they went home. at the airport lily had gotten off & dom ran up to her & hugged her*
dom: how was it baby girl?  lilly: oh it was fine. 

dom: i missed you. 

lilly: me too.
dom: you okay?
lilly: fine. can we go?
dom: yeah sure. *he reached for her hand & after a while she gave in & relaxed hers to hold his. they got to lilly's house*
lilly: don't stop the car.
dom: what?
lilly: i said don't stop the car. you're not staying.
dom: what why?
lilly: why? why dom? because dom you're not the one.

  lilly: why? why dom? because dom you're not the one.
dom: *nervously* what what do you mean did did i do something?
lilly: no you didn't do anything but please don't make this harder than it has to be. all i'm saying is that i don't know. dom i really do love you, you're such a great man. but you don't deserve to love me soooo much when i don't love you as much as you do. i love someone else dom.
dom: *crying* oh please don't tell me it's yousef. lilly please you've seen how that goes.
lilly: it's my life, i'm sorry dom. *she hugged him & kissed him* goodbye dom. *she went into her house & went to bed. dom was driving as he kept crying & everything brought him back to lilly. MORNING. lauren woke up in alex's arms as she tried going back to bed enjoying the moment*
alex: *whispering* are you up?
lauren: yeah i was scared i was the only one up. *laughing a little*
alex: well you're not. i'm going to make you breakfast. *the breakfast was done & they decided to make a video together (besides vlogging of course) after the video they sat down for a movie. at lilly. she had called fosey but he didn't answer so she texted him*
lilly: hey please call me when you can. *he replied after a while*
yousef: why did it not work out with your hubby? sorry i don't play back-ups.
lilly: it's not like that. just please. *back at laurens. during the movie lauren fell asleep so alex turned it off , kissed her on the cheek & went to play basketball. he didn't worry about her because he had a sound alarm that would go off if anything bad. he also left a note saying where he went & to call when she woke up*  

  *at dom. he tried making a video just being himself not bringing it up but no matter what that was all that was ever on his mind. he really does love lilly. he left to go shopping to see if that would help but no matter what he couldn't do anything without his mind being consumed by lilly. at lilly. yousef had finally agreed to meet up with lily so they went out to eat. lilly found where he was sitting & sat down*
lilly: i'm here because i have to tell you something.
yousef: you have to tell me something?
lilly: please, just hear me out. i broke up with dom because i realized it isn't him i love, it's always been you. i did it in the beginning to make you jealous, but i never should of i should've told you when you kissed me but it it just happened i've been really stupid lately please forgive me.
yousef: how do you just expect me to forgive you that fast?! lilly you've gaven me so much damage. try kissing the one you love & finding out the next day she's with your best friend. just try lilly!! what's been up with you i've never seen you like this before. but no, i can't just forgive you like that. you hurt me & i still hadn't recovered because it takes TIME. now i'm going to have to take time to try to get better from that.
lilly: yousef please. i didn't mean to hurt anybody bu-
yousef: let me finish that, but you did. you hurt me. i'll talk to you later. *yousef got up & left lilly there sitting crying. at the basketball court alex had gotten a call & he went back to see lauren*
alex: how was your nap? i'm so sorry i left but i needed to get out & do stuff. after being locked up in that hospital for so long, & with seeing how your progress has been good...i decided it would be fine.
lauren: it was fine. & it's okay babe. but it was actually pretty good i think i needed it. i was just super tired.
alex: well i'm glad you're awake.
lauren: me too, i have a surprise for you.   

  lauren: me too, i have a surprise for you.
alex: what is it? *lauren covered alex's eyes & took him outside. once she took his hands off to recover a cute little dog*
alex: aweeee he she? it's so cute!!! lauren: it's a he. isn't he adorable though!? almost as cute as you!
alex: awe tanksksks *does weird face*
lauren: *laughs* awe i love you❤. alex: i love you moreeeee.
lauren: lets go shopping!!?
alex: fine only because i love you. *they went shopping. dom went to the gun shop to buy some ammo*
worker: so going shooting today?
dom: yeah you could say.
worker: it's the perfect weather. what gun do you have?
dom: just a simple hand help gun. i'm working up to get a better one though.
person: oh well you can always come here for a new upgrade!
dom: thanks.
person: have a good time! *dom left. at lilly, she called the doctor*
lilly: i would like to get the test done to see how much longer i have.
doctor: are you sure? you don't want to use your time wisely you'd rather find out? we may even have to do an act immediately.
lilly: i'll be there in a few. *lilly got there*
doctor: lilly are you sure you want to do this?? if something bad shows up we have to do surgery or something. & whatever we do, it can kill you possibly. i just care about you.
lilly: i said i'm sure just do it! *back at lauren's house. they were sitting on the bed watching The Notebook (lol) until lauren crawled onto alex's waist where he was laying & started kissing him. it turned into making out, & before they knew it lauren & alex's shirt came off*
alex: you sure?
lauren: i'm sure. *back at dom. he was having suicidal thoughts while he had a gun in his hand holding it up to his head. dom yelling*
dom: i don't want to do this! i don't but nobody understands i had been waiting for that day for YEARS. ALL THAT TIME I FINALLY GOT IT & SHE JUST LEFT. i wish i could forget. but i can't. i can't do this. i can't.. if i don't do it i'll keep suffering. do i want to? do i want to do this..? yes, im sure. *dom pulled the trigger as a distant yet loud shot noise went off & blood squirted against the wall*

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