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Since his return to our little town, Hiram Lodge has made his presence known on all fronts. No longer is he the man behind bars, but behind the reconstruction of Riverdale. With our town struggling to keep its Pep, Hiram Lodge offers a helping hand. The Twilight Drive-In closed down, and Hiram Lodge claimed the property before it could waste away. (cont. pgs 30-33)

Alice loved my article on Lodge Industries, and rushed it to print. I've drowned myself in my work to keep myself distracted and away from FP. Staying away from Pop's though, that's another story. 

"Hey," I breathe, walking up to the counter at Pop's.

FP looks up at me, surprise registering on his face.

"You've been avoiding me." He comments, going back to his work.

"I know," I admit, sighing to myself.

It's been hard to keep away from him, but I can't be the other woman. I don't want to be to Jughead what the mayor is to me. I don't want to ruin a perfectly good family dynamic for my own selfish endeavors.

"Can I ask why?" He tries, glancing up at me again. I take a seat in one of the barstools, preparing myself to explain.

"It's...So my dad has been sneaking around with Mayor McCoy, and it ruined me and Kev. And I just don't want to do anything close to that to Jughead." I explain, surprising myself with how composed I come off.

FP looks at me and his eyes soften. I don't know if anyone told him about my dad, but he looks sympathetic.

"Don't worry about that, Kim." He reassures me, not breaking contact. "I'm sure Jughead's realized by now that there's no saving my marriage to his mother. She wanted me to clean up my act so she could come home, I do that, and she's still in Toledo. I don't think she's ever coming back. Not that I blame her, I'm good at screwing things up." He admits, running a hand through his hair by the end.

Once he realizes everything he's admitted to me, his eyes widen and he clears his throat.

"Sorry," he adds.

I smile lightly, trying to offer reassurance.

"Things are going well between us so far." I offer, restraining from taking his hand. "If anything, I've come closest to screwing this up." I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

We kissed twice and then I avoided him for two weeks, I'm surprised he still wants anything to do with me.

"Speaking of Jug, he loved your piece in the paper." FP backtracks. "At first he didn't like the opinion on the Lodges you wrote out, but then he remembered that they own the paper, and well..." FP sends me one of his wicked smiles. 

"I think he could really like you, Kim." FP continues, reaching for my hand. "If things progress between us, I'm sure he'd be happy for us." I can't hold back a smile. 

All too soon, my worries and anxiety creep back in. What if this is similar to how my dad and Mrs. McCoy wrote off their own affair. My mom hasn't been around, and I guess Mr. McCoy hasn't either. I'm sure they told themselves and each other that Kevin goes to school with Josie so they'd be okay with it, and with me away, they assumed I wouldn't mind. Not to mention they never thought anyone would find out in the first place. 

"Hey," FP snaps me out of the black hole in my mind. "What's the matter?" I blink repeatedly, feeling tears on my cheeks. I hadn't even noticed I was nearly crying. 

"What– what if... What if us telling ourselves this is okay is just what people do. Everyone cheats in this town, it's disgusting. I don't want to continue this if there's any chance I'm ruining something for you and Jug. I haven't even spoken to my dad in weeks, I can't look at him." FP sighs, restraining form wiping my face and consoling me. 

"Kim, I'm already rebuilding things between me and Jughead. Anything that happens has nothing to do with you. But maybe you should talk to your dad; maybe there's more to the story than you know. And maybe clearing the air with him will help you sort through your reservations about us." He offers, smiling softly. I nod, ready to confront my dad. 

"Thanks, FP. Maybe I'll stop by later with Kev." I say, seeing myself out of the diner. 

I get out my phone and call Kevin. If I'm confronting Dad, I want him there with me. We need to figure this out. 

The kitchen is silent, the tick of the wall clock being the only noise between the three of us. It's a weird shift. We've always been a nice, close-knit family. Dad's affair has driven a wedge between anything we thought we knew. 

"I know what I did was wrong." Dad offers with a shaky sigh, tears falling from his eyes. "I still love your mother, but I get lonely. I wouldn't expect you kids to understand or forgive me, but-" Kev and I share a look. 

Funny thing, Dad doesn't realize that I understand all too well. My understanding is what's keeping me from FP. I don't want to be some driving force in ruining his family he's trying so hard to rebuild. But if his wife has no intention of coming back to Riverdale for her family, then this is totally different. Dad made the wrong choice, but FP and I are being smart and considerate. 

Kev and I walk into Pop's scanning for a booth. During my search I spot Jughead and FP, sat in a booth with Betty and Alice. As Kevin and I sit, I glance over, catching FP's attention. He quickly looks at me and then back to his conversation. Are Betty and Jughead in trouble? 

"Do you know what's going on with them?" I ask Kev. He looks up from his menu and shrugs. 

"Maybe FP walked in on them hooking up in the trailer." Kev offers, making me stifle a laugh. "But if Alice asks, you didn't hear anything from me." I nod, still trying my hardest not to laugh. If that's the case, my heart goes out to them. I've been there.

"Remember when Dad caught me with-" 

"Reggie's older brother? Yeah, I remember." Kevin nods, scrunching up his face. 

"Vincent was attractive," I shrug. "I'm not even sorry." Kev snickers. 

"Right, but you were a freshman and he was a senior. Dad went crazy, and I got to hear all about it." 

"Maturity is attractive..." I mumble, attaching my lips to the tip of my straw. "Even on a minute scale." I add, thinking back to how mature high school guys really are. Thank god I'm passed that. I glance over at FP, but the booth is empty and the foursome is nowhere to be seen. 

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