Chapter 2

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(Justin's pov)
I pick up the letter on Christie's bed, then read it. My heart pounds so rapidly, and my mouth goes dry. Anxiously, I turn back to her bathroom to see water overflowing from under her door.
"Christie, Christie open this door! Christie!" My heart races so fast. I feel lightheaded with worry.
"Dammit!" I snap before breaking the door open. My heart drops to the floor, drop the hammer against my chest. A lump forms in my throat, as I turn motionless at the sight. There's blood on the floor and an open bottle of pills on the sink. Glass is shattered on the floor, and a razor lies in the middle of it. I rush to the bathtub, where a lifeless body rests against the tub. Is it Christie? It doesn't look like her at all.

"Christie," I call our loudly, shaking her and moving the dark hair from her face. It really is her.
"No no no, baby wake up!" I shake her again, but she doesn't move at all. My eyes water in frustration.
"Christie, you better fucking wake up," I mutter while dragging her out of the bathtub and on the floor, where I spread a towel so the glass doesn't cut her. She wears just a bra and panties. Blood covers her arms. Bruises cover her body, which is twice as skinny as it was the last time I saw her. Her hair isn't blonde anymore. Her bones are so visible that they might cut through her pale skin.

Once again I shake her, checking her pulse and heartbeat. Nothing.
"Christie! Christie!" My voice cracks, and I start panicking.
"C'mon baby, WAKE UP!" I bark, pumping on her chest and stomach. I'm so angry and frustrated, so I start to cry in her neck.
"Please wake up," I quickly glue myself together and wipe the tears away. I decide to try one last thing. I hover her over the toilet, and shove my fingers down her throat to make her gag.
"C'mon, c'mon!" I shove them deeper. Finally, she starts to gag, and the pills come out. She coughs and breathes deeply.

"Christie," I set her on the floor to face me. We connect our eyes for a split second before her eyes well and she cries in my chest. I wrap my arms around her. Christie says something, but I can't make it out because she's crying too hard.
"Shhh I got you baby," I gingerly stroke her hair, then lift her up in my arms and quickly wrap her in a blanket before rushing out of her room.

"Don't you dare take our daughter!" Her mom screams, but I ignore her. I dash to the car, letting Khalil and Za hold her as I speed down the road.
"Where are we going?" Za asks in worry from holding Christie's delicate body.
"I don't know." Honestly, I can't focus on anything anymore.
"I rented an apartment since I had to come bail you out," Ryan mentions from the passenger side.
"Where?" I press on the brakes to slow down.
"Keep going straight until you see a stoplight, then turn left, and keep going straight until you see that McDonald's, then make a right and go straight until you see a brick building," he directs, so I floor it and follow his instructions.

Finally, I reach his apartment. I hold Christie in my arms as we trail behind Ryan. Christie lightly breathes in my arms; then we enter Ryan's apartment, and I set her on the couch, where she whimpers. I keep her covered, sitting close to her and stroking her face. She flips open her broken eyes to look at me. Christie slowly reaches her hand out, so I hold it. A tear rolls down her cheek before I wipe it away.

"I'm gonna help you baby," I whisper before standing up.
"You have anything for her to wear?" I face Ryan, who's talking with Khalil and Za.
"She can borrow my clothes," Ryan offers blankly.
"That's gonna have to do," I nod, then wet a paper towel under the sink. I kneel beside to Christie and lift her in my arms.
"Where's the bathroom?" I ask Ryan, and he points to a door on the right, then hands me a shirt and sweatpants. They're too big for her, but it's better than nothing.

Once I'm in the bathroom, I set Christie on the toilet, where she winces. Carefully, I remove blanket, revealing her small body. There's still blood on her, so I grab her wrist and use the damp towel to wipe away the blood. She winces as I do, and soon enough I bandage her swollen wrists. Finally, I brush her hair away to reveal her pale and bruised face.
"You ok?" I murmur lowly, so she shakes her head.
"I'm so sorry baby. I hate this as much as you do." Quietly, I press our foreheads together, making her wince again.
"Don't ever so that to me again Christie. You scared the fuck out of me," I cup her hand in mine, and she nods softly. I provide her with Ryan's oversized shirt and sweatpants. Once she has it on, I wrap the blanket around her again.

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