Chapter 5

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(Christie's pov)
I stay here, hugging Justin until I surrender to the pain in my back and shoulders. Justin beams so sweetly at me, my hand in his. He kisses me passionately, making it last for a while before breaking it. I don't want this moment to end. He's so warm and comforting. It's like he never left.

Justin clicks on the tv and sits back on the bed, placing the Oreos in between us. Easing up a bit, I take another one while he switches the channel to Family Guy.
"You watch this show?" I toss him half an amused smile.
"Yeah, who doesn't?" he grins and I just shrug nonchalantly. We continue to watch tv while sharing the box of Oreos, cherishing our essential time together. Suddenly, we hear the condo door open.
"Yo Justin!" I hear someone call for him.
"Be right back babe," Justin stands off the bed and walks out, shutting the door behind him.

(Justin's pov)
I walk out to see Khalil, Za, and Ryan in the kitchen.
"Hey," I join them as Za spreads out the packages of varied drugs on the counter.
"Three of each. Marihuana, Coke, heroin, Meth, you name it," Za beams proudly.
"Nice job guys," I admire the great amount of drugs before me.
"We need to start selling this shit before we're broke," Khalil decrees from the edge of the table.
"Yeah , ok. When?" I open a pack of weed.
"Tonight. Woah, what are you doing?" Ryan looks at me like I have two heads.
"What?" I glance at all of them to receive nothing.
"Save that for later. We've gotta get everything set up first," Ryan states obviously, hovering his hands over the table of drugs.
"Ugh, fine," I set the marijuana pack down with the others.
"Anyways, we've got a few meet ups tonight at 10pm"
Khalil continues as he sorts the drugs out and makes a pile of each.
"Ok," I nod understandingly, glancing at his hands.
"Also, what'd you have in mind for The Mafias?" Khalil inquires towards me. I guess he's putting this in my hands, because I have no problem getting my hands dirty. I could cut each one of them up limb from limb.
"Can't we just kill them?" I clench my jaw at the thought of The Mafias and what they've done to us. The memories come back so clearly, like they're permanent. And I'm pissed.
"No. Christie needs to stay with you as much as possible right now. She needs you bro," Ryan notifies me with certainty.
"Oh, right. How 'bout we just bomb their car, or beat the crap outta them?" I shrug off a suggestion as if I've done it a million times.
"Ok, you sure you wanna fight with them though?" Khalil agrees, then questions me with a cocked eyebrow.
"Yeah, I need to blow off some steam anyways," I smirk a little, popping my knuckles by pressing on my fists.
"Alright, whatever rocks your boat Bieber. We'll do that tomorrow. We're busy enough already," Khalil turns on his gram scale, tapping on it until it's set at zero. He weighs two grams of marihuana, then stuffs each measurement in a small plastic bag. Ryan weighs the Coke by .01 gram, and Za weighs the Meth by gram.

"You guys need help?" I offer with an extended hand.
"Nah, you go take care of your girl," Za waves my offer away, so I nod, biting my lip, before reentering my room. Christie's still laying on the bed, her arms crossed over her chest as she watches tv.

"Hey babe," I saunter over to her, glancing at the string of bandage hanging from her sleeve.
"Hey," she tugs a weak smile as I approach her.
"Let's go to the bathroom baby," I close my hand around hers, then slowly lead her to the bathroom. Once I set her on the counter, I grab the bandage wrap.
"Do you mind?" I glance at her for permission, and in return, shakes her head before taking off her sweater, wincing as she does.
"You ok?" I hold her hand while she innocently nods. She was quiet all of a sudden. Her bottom lip is tucked underneath her pearl white teeth, meaning she's nervous.
"This shouldn't take long baby," I carefully unwrap the bandages on her arms. As much as I hate all the cuts on her arms, she still looks beautiful. She will always be beautiful, despite how cruelly she treats herself. I soon start bandaging her arms, and she hugs herself for comfort. There's a huge pit of guilt inside me, because this is all my fault. I caused her to do this, and I was stupid and selfish to hide her from the cops. I wasn't careful enough, so we both were sent to hell. I wouldn't have went to jail if I just called the police on her parents or something. There has to be another direction we should've taken. I shouldn't be sitting here, tending the cuts she created.

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