Chapter 35

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(Justin's pov)


Another sleepless night is just what I needed(note to sarcasm). You would think that sex would put me to sleep in a heartbeat. It's like my mind is telling me to read the other letters in the envelope. After several minutes of thinking, I sighed and got up quietly. I headed in the bathroom once I grabbed my bag. I took a deep breath before taking out the envelope, and opening it. The sad, empty feeling overwhelmed me again. I pulled the third letter out, then opened it carefully. Here we go.

"Dear son,

You've been a big help around the house lately. Your mother is always talking about you. She loves you so much, Justin. I hope you get yourself out of that gang you're in. It's not worth it. You'll go to jail when you can just live a normal life. You're gonna get a girl someday, and she's gonna love you. I know it. I want you to always put her first in life, no matter what. Treat her right, show her you love her. Anyways, I'll see you later.



godamn, I'm such a baby when it comes to this shit. It's my family. I wish they were here. I wish dad was here to meet Christie. He would love her, they would love her. They would also like Khalil, Za, and Ryan. They've met Ryan, but not Khalil and Za. The feelings are too much to handle right now, so I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the condo. I hate crying. It makes me feel and look weak. I smoked a cigarette before sitting behind the building, where the alley was. Ok, let's get this over with. I pulled out the last letter. My heart was beating fast. I knew this was my moms. I was already in tears just holding it.

"Dear Justin,

I know that things have been tough for you lately. It's nice of you to help out your friend. You've been busy with school, your friend, and you're doing a good job. I'm proud of you. Please get out of that gang. I don't want you in trouble. If anything ever happens to me, there's another piece of paper in this envelope. I love you, Justin. You're such a sweetheart. I miss you being around though. I miss tucking you in bed, and kissing you when you're upset. I still enjoy seeing you smile whenever I make your favorite dinner or make cookies for desert. I love your smile, Justin. It makes my day. I love you with all of my heart, baby.



So much for the cigarette. It didn't help at all. When it comes to my mom, I can't stop crying. I need to stop, so I injected myself with heroin, then felt it take over me.

(Christie's pov)


There's no Justin beside me. The bathroom light is on, so I got up to look.


I softly knocked on the door. No answer. I opened the door to find nothing. Did he leave? Why would he leave in the middle of the night like this? I walked into the other room to see nothing but darkness. I decided to look outside for a few minutes. It was cold and quiet outside. I hugged myself for warmth as I shivered.

"holy fuck"

Someone hissed in a whisper. I turned around to see Justin. He looked worn out and exhausted.


I stepped closer to him. He had bags under his eyes and had a strong smell of smoke and drugs on him.

"Baby, what are doing out here?"

His voice was groggy and tired.

"I was looking for you"

Fix Me (Sequel to Deadly in Love)Where stories live. Discover now