Chapter 56

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A/N: Hey guys:) Ok so here's my plan. I'm gonna fast forward 6 months and make this chapter 6 months later. Then, I'm gonna fast forward 2 more months, so it's about 8 months. I hope that's ok, it's just that there's no way I can write a chapter for all the days in 8 months. Btw this story is coming to an end, BUT...there's a new story after this! I'm so excited for that too!•••

-6 months later-

(Christie's pov)

I feel like shit. Everything hurts and aches. It feels like I'm dying, but I'm not. My stomach is bigger now, and it's kind of unbelievable. We heard the baby's heartbeat this morning. It made my day. Justin's been a little too concerned about me lately. He's acting like I'm extremely fragile, like I'll break easily. I appreciate him being by my side all this time, helping me and loving me. I now spend almost all day on the couch or in bed, because I can't go anywhere without wanting to leave.

"Are you hungry, bae?"

Justin asked.


I mumbled. Did I mention I was getting grumpy too? Justin nodded and left the room.


I stopped him.

"Yea baby?"

He turned around and gave me a concerned look.

"Don't go"

I spoke softly. Justin sat beside me on the bed. Now that I got a closer look at him, I see the details. He had bags under his eyes and his expression looked exhausted.

"Justin, what's wrong?"

I stroked his cheek lightly. He stared at me sadly, then sighed.

"...I'm scared, baby"

That was the first time I heard him say that.


I asked worriedly.

"I'm scared for you. I don't like to see you when you're hurting. Believe it or not, this is too much for you. That worries me"

His voice was soft.

"'s ok. I'll be fine"

After I said that, my stomach hurt like crazy, and I grabbed it.

"Yea, I can see that"

Justin gave me a half smile, but he didn't seem happy.

"Stop it. Justin, stop thinking like that"

I nudged him weakly. he just narrowed his eyes.

"I love you"

I kissed his cheek.

"...I love you too"

He squeezed my hand. All of a sudden, I was hungry now. That happens a lot. But I wasn't just hungry, I was craving sweets.

"Justin, do we have anything sweet?"

I asked quietly.

"I'll make you some cookies. You want that?"

Justin suggested.


I nodded lightly.

"I'll be right back"

He got up and left the room. Ugh, my stomach hurts like a bitch and I feel nauseated. It hurt to move anything. It's scary to think that there's a living thing inside me. I wish there was a way to just end this already.

Fix Me (Sequel to Deadly in Love)Where stories live. Discover now