Chapter 36

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(Christie's pov)

"Shut up"

Justin muttered irritably. What? Was he talking to me.

"I said shut the fuck up!"

He shouted out of nowhere.


I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. He's was making a scene.

"Justin, is everything al-"

"I'm not fucking around!"

Justin hit the wall, wincing a little. Suddenly, he knelt with his head in his hands on the floor.

"Stop! Please leave me alone!"

He shouted, his voice cracking. My heart dropped. Oh no. Did I make him cry?

"Who are you talki-"

"Its not my fault! I didn't mean to!"

He was crying now. No no no no. He was scaring me to death. What is he talking about?

"Get out of my fucking head!"

He barked loudly, making me flinch.

"Justin, cut it out! What are you talking about?!"

I sat him against the wall. He stopped yelling, and cried in his arms, covering his face with his sleeves. I rubbed his back comfortingly. When Justin cries, he does it quietly, no words, no sounds. Just shaking, whimpering, and sniffling. It's the kind that makes you wanna hold them close. I placed my hand on his cheek, which was wet from tears, and turned his head to face me. His eyes were red and teary, and his nose was pink, which was cute. However, he's still crying, which is not cute.

"Justin, what's wrong? And don't say you can't tell me"

Even my eyes were watered up from him.

"...I'll tell you at the condo"

He sniffled, wiping his nose and eyes. I nodded, then stood up. He didn't move.

"C'mon Justin, let's go"

I reached my hand out to him. He stood up on his own, then followed me out of the shop. On our way back to the condo, Justin was silent, and kept staring at the ground. I really hope he's ok. It was freezing and I should've wore something else. We were only a few minutes away from the condo anyway.

"Hey guys. You're back early"

Za, Ryan, and their girlfriends were all on the couch watching tv.

"Yea, we're still tired"

I noticed Justin was already in our room.

"Hey, I would be too if I fell asleep in 0 degree weather"

Ryan joked.


I rolled my eyes, and entered our room. Justin was shirtless and squeezing the back of his neck. I stepped close to him, close enough to feel his warmth and marshmallow scent.

"I guess I owe you an explanation now that I probably scared the shit out of you"

He sat on the bed, his elbows on his knees, and leaning slightly forward. His head was not down and his expression showed that he was in thought. I sat beside him, waiting for a word to come out.

"First of all, I'm sorry for freaking you out earlier. I couldn't help it..."

His voice was soft and guilty. I was about to say something, but he continued.

Fix Me (Sequel to Deadly in Love)Where stories live. Discover now