Chapter 4

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(Christie's pov)
No one but Justin seems to notice me eating only 4 tater tots. And it just about kills me to eat that many, but Justin told me to. Justin motions me to get ready for bed, so I carefully stand up before heading to our new room. Taking it easy, I hop in the shower, careful not to hurt myself.

Suddenly, that same sad feeling comes back to me. My dad, that night, people cheering me to kill myself. Tears fills my eyes, and I let them fall. I turn off the warm water, sobbing quietly while changing into my pajamas. I hear a knock on the door, then pause my breaths.
"Christie? Baby are you ok?" Justin sounds worried from behind the door.
"Y-yeah." My voice cracks. Dammit.
"Christie...Let me in." I hear him sternly order, so I open the door for him. Justin walks in, his eyes full of concern.
"Why are you crying baby?" I step close, and I lean against him, breaking down completely. His arms gently wrap around me as I'm led me to the bed. I can't stop crying. All the memories are haunting me.

"Shh, Christie it's ok. Tell me what's wrong baby," Justin coos softly. Finally, I gather the courage to tell him. I start to mumble the truth in his shirt, but he stops me.
"Babe, I can't hear you. Christie, look at me." His hands are so gentle against my shoulders. I soon face him, looking into his intense chocolate brown eyes, and I don't want to tell him anymore. There's no going back now. He knows something is bothering me. I can't change the subject.

"E-everyone at school....they were so mean Justin...they started shouting at kill myself...and everyday they wouldn't stop picking on me and calling me names about how my dad raped me and—" I pause when accidentally spill too much.
"Your dad...What?" All at once, Justin's eyes widen and he tenses up. His voice sharpens and increases in volume.
"Nothing," I hide myself in his chest, but he pulls me back out.
"Justin, stop it's nothing," I cry harder, knowing it isn't nothing.
"No! That's terrible Christie!" he jumps to his feet, his chest heaving. And I gape at him, with inability to respond.
"Your dad raped you?! Oh, he's gonna fucking get it! Motherfucker!!" Justin barks furiously now and storms out the room.
"No Justin, stop!" I use all my strength to run after him, and grab ahold of his balled hand.
"Justin don't do anything! It's not that bad I promise! I'm fine!" I plead him in fear that he'll take it too far. Yes, my dad hurt me, but it's not worth Justin risking his life or freedom.
"Not that bad?! That fucking asshole will pay! I'm NOT going to stay here and let this fucking go! Not when he...Christie, let go," Justin fails to finish his sentence, because people can hear. His eyes don't show any understanding, just fury.
"No Justin. Don't go back over there! Please," I beg him, but he keeps stomping to the door as I tighten my grip on his hand.
"I'm sorry....but he's not getting away for this," Justin finds a way to release my grip without hurting me. I can't go after him again. I'm too tired. So I curled up on the floor, sobbing in my sleeves.

"Christie...What happened? Where's he going?" Two figures kneel over me, and I hide my face.
"Nothing," I sob without looking at anyone.
"Khalil just went to find him. C'mon, this isn't the best place for you to be," someone lifts me up cautiously. It's Ryan. I'm set in bed with the sheets pulled over me.
"We got this Christie," Za kneels by me, and I nod with the sheets hiding my face.
"Don't worry. Just get some rest," Ryan advises comfortingly before shutting the door to provide privacy and peace. But I can't sleep. I don't know what Justin's going to do, but I hope it's nothing he'll regret. I hope he doesn't get caught or in trouble.

(Justin's pov)
I can't believe her dad raped her! That bastard's gonna fucking pay!
"Aye! Where are you going Bieber?!" Khalil steadily blocks my way.
"None of your damn business," I snap angrily, glaring in his stubborn eyes.
"It is my business! Your girl is on the fucking floor, crying. What the hell are you doing?" Khalil hisses in seriousness.
"Something I should've done already," I shove past him, climb into the car, and zoom out of the city.

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