50 egos of Nate

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(I will be adding more egos of Nate)
NateMare pov:
"Let me introduce myself to y'all assholes; my name is Nate or Mare better at it NATEMARE! I'm a demon and not a good demon, phantom sucks being a good demon. Ugh. My boyfriends name is Nate, Nathan Smith actually. I'm gay. A gay demon that is in love with his boyfriend Nate."
Nate pov:
"Hi, I'm Nate I am a voice actor and singer. I am bisexual and at this moment I am dating NateMare. Don't tell him but he's really not a good boyfriend, he abuses me and tried killing me twice. He only dates me for the sex. Mare is a demon so hey what do you expect."
Phantom pov:
"I'm phantom you may have heard of me from NateMare or Nate. I'm a good demon unlike NateMare. Mare is so rude and he harms others. I am actually dating someone who harms others but not me. His name is Emperor but I call him daddy. No one else calls him daddy. I don't harm others but people think I do since they know NateMare and I'm a demon." Phantom said introducing himself.
Emperor pov:
"Why do I have to go next?" Emperor asked before introducing himself"anyway I'm emperor I harm and protect my boyfriend. No one fucks with Phantom cause I'll kill them. He's mine and hes never gonna leave me. I'm in love with Phantom, if you seen him you would understand why I love him so much."
Dr. Smith pov:
"My names dr. Smith I'm one of the single egos sadly. I don't care for dating someone right now anyway. People have a crush on me but I'm just not ready for dating. I'm gay and I have a crush on Phantom and Nate I mean I would love for them to be mine but Nate had a boyfriend and so does Phantom. No one tell them that I have a crush on them or Phantom and Nate will hate me" dr. Smith said.
Pokémon Nate pov:
"Hi! I'm Pokémon Nate I'm a hyper mess all the time. I love Pokémon Pokémon POKÉMON!!!!!!! Pokémon is husband!!!!! I play Pokémon go everyday!!! I wanna date Pokémon I wanna fuck Pokémon I wanna live Pokémon!!!!!!!! I also have a crush on NATEWANTSTOBATTLE HE LIKES POKÉMON TOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Pokémon Nate said being very hyper.
Nate pov:
"I heard that Pokémon Nate!" Nate said.
Pokémon Nate pov:
Pokémon Nate had shut his mouth so Nate didn't hate him. He was bouncing up and down in a chair very hyper. "I want sugar!!!!!"
Fat Nate pov:
"Oh god why the fuck am I hear people are a bunch of douche bags. Let me go back home this bullshit is annoying and I've only been here for 10 minutes. I want food, anyone have food?! You can probably tell I'm single I'm asexual anyway non of Nate's egos are actually straight soo I'm gonna warn you with that. Oh yeah I didn't even say my name did I, my names fat Nate". He explained himself.
Depressed Nate pov:
"I wanna die....." Depressed Nate said"my names depressed Nate and I hate my life I'm gay and single I like dr. Smith but I don't know if he likes me." Depressed Nate explained.
Fat Nate went back to his house after the interview and began to eat. Nate went home with his boyfriend NateMare and crawled in bed with him.
"You moan I go harder puppy understand?" NateMare said to Nate and Nate nodded. NateMare took off his clothes and grinned at Nate.
Depressed Nate sat on his bed thinking about the love of his life dr. Smith. Depressed Nate always wished to date dr. Smith but was scared of the outcome. Would dr. Smith think depressed Nate was a idiot and won't date him? That would just make depressed nate more depressed. Depressed Nate shook his head trying to get dr. Smith out his head. Pokémon Nate of course just went and played Pokémon go the best game ever as he thought. Fat Nate thought it was stupid and boring on the other hand. Fat Nate thought like that for all games that the other egos played. Nate loves a lot of games and fat Nate hates him and all those games. Depressed Nate really just laid in bed all day staring at the ceiling. 'Ugh why do I live anymore everyone would be happy if I was gone out of this world out of there life. I know many people who hate me I don't even have friends' depressed Nate thought to himself. Last time depressed nate tried dating someone it didn't turn out so good. Depressed Nate broke up with the person 5 years after cause of the way he treated depressed nate the last 2 years that they were together.  When Pokémon Nate got back home to his house which was filled with toys for Pokémon, Pokémon balls, all games of Pokémon which he had completed and blankets plates pillows any house wear was for Pokémon. Even most of Pokémon Nate's shirts where Pokémon. He's a little obsessed, isn't he? Emperor Nate picked up phantom and began to kiss him all over his face. Phantom giggled as he done it. "Daddy!" Phantom giggled. "Yes puppy?" Emperor asked. "Nothing daddy" phantom said. Nate let out groans that were gradually becoming louder every suck NateMare done. Nate let his head go back hickeys were placed on his neck from when NateMare kissed and sucked on his skin. NateMare gripped onto Nate's hips and began to deepthroat Nate's member. Nate groaned louder arching his back and grabbing onto the head board of the bed. NateMare placed a hand on Nate's bare chest waiting for him to cum, he began to put more pressure on the sucking. Nate finally cummed and began to pant as I pulled away. Fat Nate laid in bed being bored as ever. Depressed Nate got a call from dr. Smith. 'What does he want?' Depressed Nate thought to himself hoping it was to date. Depressed Nate crossed his fingers and picked up the phone.
"Hey it's dr. Smith you can call me Nate for short." Dr. Smith said.
"Oh hey Nate, why are you calling me don't you have lives to save?" Depressed Nate said.
"I'm off of work today but now that I am I have something to say..." dr. Smith said.
"Yeah what's up?" Depressed Nate said back.
"There isn't a reason to be depressed, there isn't a reason to be upset in yourself when everyone is a great person. I've seen your arms and me having a crush on you that just really hurts me I don't wanna see you cut yourself. You have a lot to live for and your better then being depressed. You may feel like your a nobody but your a everybody to me. You may feel like you don't matter in this world, you matter to me. You may feel like this world isn't a great place but that's because no one knows who you are. People bully a very great person just so they can get a laugh out of there self. You don't have to go through pain you don't have to cry in bed cause people who don't know anything about you. You are you and you are unique no one is like you. Be you and focus on what makes you happy and smile, a lot of good will come out of that. Being happy and smiling is the best gift you can get in life." Dr smith said trying to make depressed bathe better about life.
"But why do you have a crush on me I cut myself and hate this world you shouldn't like me when I feel like I would just make you depressed" depressed nate said.
"Will you go out with me?" Dr. Smith said quickly.
"I-I." Depressed nate said knowing his answer would be yes but he's just shocked.
"You?" Dr. Smith said.
"Of course I would!" Depressed Nate said trying not to freak out on the outside as he was on the inside.
The next day depressed nate woke up not feeling as depressed. Fat Nate was 260 pounds. Dr. Smith was happy dating depressed Nate. Pokémon Nate was the same playing Pokémon go. Phantom crawled on top of Emperors sleeping body. "Daddy daddy daddy wake up daddy," phantom said as emperor pushed him on the ground startled. Phantoms body hit the ground with a loud thump. "Oh shit!" Emperor said picking up phantoms body. "Owww." Phantom said weakly, Emperor was really strong so when he pushed down Phantom it hurt. A lot. Emperor kissed phantom feeling bad for what he had just done. "I'm sorry babe I really didn't mean to harm you." Emperor said tearing up. Emperor didn't want to hurt Phantom. "It's fine daddy." Phantom said getting up from his arms.
Pokémon Nate lifted up his phone as the sun beamed on his phone. Pokémon Nate went back home after no luck with finding Pokémon. Fat Nate ate more food he was currently 310 pounds. Pokémon Nate thought of fat Nate right when he got home and began to worry.
Depressed Nate was thinking about dr. Smith and dr. Smith was thinking about depressed nate.
I don't know how long this actually was I know it was bad though. All of my stories sucks so I don't even know why I try writing long stories. I hate my stories and I don't know what I can do to make my stories better. If you have any suggestions please comment them and I will do my best and turn it into a story. Thank you for all the reads I appreciate it all and I'm excited to see where this goes. I'm glad people are reading this.

Natewantstobattle x reader smut and imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora