On the Other Side of Town

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Parappa's POV

Fruites Cafè.

I've worked here part-time for a while now. It's my day off today, but I came in anyway. 

To have breakfast with my lovely Sunny Hunny.

Her sweet smile. Her cotton candy hair. Every little thing about her gets me going. That's why these kinds of dates with her are my favorite. I even pay for it out of my own paycheck. 

We had just finished everything. I hugged her tightly while she kissed me on the cheek. The very moment we released our grips, something grabs me from behind. 

It's PJ. What's he doing up so early?

"Hey, PJ...what's up?" Escapes my lips in a worried tone. He looks up and at me dead in the eyes. 

"Are you...crying?!" I kneel down, meeting his level. He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but then buried his face in my chest. Sunny is still here, just as concerned as I am. 

"PJ, please, just tell us," Sunny says, "We've never seen you cry this much ever since you found out Phat Donut quit serving those crueller things."

Without hesitation, he pulls out his phone and types furiously. Both Sunny's and my text alerts go off. 

I Don't know why or how, but I can't talk! I just woke up like this. I'm scared...

The three of us huddle together. PJ needs to be with someone. He's scared of what this might do to him.

"You think you need a doctor?" Sunny asks. PJ nods furiously.

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