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Fair warning, this chapter gets pretty gorey.

No set POV

A vast kingdom. Streets paved in gilded rock candy, lampposts made of twizzlers, sugar glass bulbs in every lamp, rivers of lemon-lime soda, everything is food!

Who would rule such a tasty land, you may ask? Our king is none other than the plump PJ Berri. Everybody loves him! He's the best king there ever was! He comes onto the scene now, bringing his brand new queen, Paula. 

"Attention, attention! King PJ and his new queen Paula are coming this way!  They have great news!" cheers the squire.

King PJ opens his mouth to speak, but alas, nothing. The crowd of citizens murmurs in shock. He tries to speak again, but still nothing. He smacks a hand on his mouth, his freckled face blushing a deep rose. When he removes his hand, it's colored a deeper red. He kneels down, using his staff for support. He throws a coughing fit, blood spurting out of his mouth. The citizens run away in fear, the gathering hall is desolate. He throws up a bloody bile of chewy donuts. Now his queen has left him! He glances down, discovering he's suddenly wearing nothing but his crown and robe. The skin on his chest is melting away, exposing his sticky rib cage, along with his rapidly beating heart, off-color lungs, and seemingly black upper digestive tract. It thunders and pours down rain as his abdomen splits open, spilling his blackened intestines. He frantically tries to pick them up put them back where they came, but the lengthy ropes of gut just keeps spilling out, eventually kinking as if they were a 20-foot hose. The putrid acid burns his hands.

Eventually, he just gives up and falls to the bloodied ground, accepting his messy fate.

*  *  *

PJ woke up suddenly, drenched in cold and sticky sweat.

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