Take A Break

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My phone was blowing up.

I didn't want to leave her by herself.

I had no choice.

Mushi would kill me if I stayed.

I wouldn't be able to provide for her if I lost this gig.

I have no way of telling him.


I'm not a runner. Never have, never will be. But I have no car. I have no other way of getting to Club Fun. King Kong Mushi's gonna be all over me, but I can take it.

I'm sorry, Paula. But I have to.

* * *

"Bout damn time you showed up!" Mushi raised his voice once I finally made it, "I've run out of stalls. What makes you think you can just show up when you want?"

I was only hyperventilating, but I still raised my hand to face him.

"Never mind, I don't wanna hear it. Get your ass over to that turntable!"

I do as he says, not wanting to anger him any more than he already is.

"Sorry for the wait, folks! PJ DJ is back again! Holla!!!"

His voice just gave me a headache. I just wave a peace sign to the crowd while smiling awkwardly. When Mushi turns away, I slip out of my turntable and run out to his friends.

Normally I wouldn't do this, but it feels necessary.

"Whassup, DJ?" One of Mushi's friends laughs. I just motion for him to shut up.

Mushi's other friend appears zonked out. He wouldn't mind if I just took one puff from his pipe, right?

Lord, was that a bad idea.

My headache turned into a migraine. I stumbled backwards, hitting my turntable in the process. I don't feel human anymore. I feel bile raging up in my throat.

I blew chunks on the dance floor.

"Caramba, that was a party foul!" I hear a voice call out.

I'm lying on the floor, holding my stomach and shaking.

"Yo, you should've said something!" Mushi came to me.

I open my eyes and glare at him.

"Need a ride home?"

I nod.

"Need a few days away?"

I nod.

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