Chap 10 : Blue Color

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It was a spacious hall, decorated with blue curtains, blue carpets and blue paints on the walls.Infact Everything there, was in different shades of blue hue. In the middle, there was a man sitting on a chair with a bunch of men around him. He was ordering them regarding some spy and searching issues. After sending them on their duties, he came in the library on the third floor. It was a huge modern styled library with wooden stairs along the racks. He came towards the front wall. He picked the first book from the left side onto the first upward rack with the help of wooden stairs. That book was infact his diary wrapped in blue cover. As soon he lift it from its place there appeared a small door in front of him. He entered that room and the door again closed with a heavy sound. It was like a secret office that was exactly arranged just like his office, six years ago. His eyes became moist by recalling old halcyon days. In the middle, there was a large rolling chair. He put the diary on the table and rolled the chair on the floor. The floor split it into two. There was as much space as a man can jumped into it easily. At below, it was like an art room full of portraits of a girl, seems to be 14-15 years old. There came strange sorrowful expressions on his face to saw her. Saddness, misery, hope was dripping from his eyes. Seems like he wants to go back,to go six years back, to reverse the time, to change something that shouldn't happen that day.
There were different kinds of portraits there. He came in front of the one of the portrait there. In this, the girl was in baby blue dress wearing a pretty smile on her face. He put his hand on her sketched face. A stream of tears trickled down her cheeks. That diary, office and these portraits was now his only memories, his each and everything.
There were hell of difference in his expressions now, to the expressions when he's in front of the peoples. He was like a demon in front of them. Who nows he have this kind of side too. Everyone called him with the name Blue Drag. He himself like to being call by this name.
There's a great importance of blue color in his life now. His everything starts and ends with blue color. His good luck and bad luck both now depends on blue color. He hopes that blue color will become his key one day to esacpe from this miserable and slaved life.
While standing there, he get lost in the colorful part of his past.If he get excited at his blessful life before then a bad day makes him sad too. Suddenly, he shook his head swiftly like someone dragged him back into the present.
He totally changed in these years, his personslity, his dreams, his emotions, his choices, his preferences, that warm hearted feelings for peoples, that love for everybody, everything's changed. And he was not happy with this change.
It was the pressure that was imposed on him to behave, to act, to speak, to talk like that. He just bacame a robot. He thought to end his life many times but there was one thing that he wants to do before his death. For that thing, he endured everything.
Life's very cruel.
It makes you run a lot.
And after every struggle, when you quit,
Then it shows you miracles.


Marvin wrote the word Rose Harla on the paper.
Muttering; First, If I search the whole word Rose Harla. Then its an Imaginary Fantasy name. And In this way, Its useless for me. What If I search them separately, Like;
Look! We know Rose is actually a beautiful scented flower or it means to Seek pleasure. Now, lets search for Harla.
(He googled the word Harla.)
Ohh, Harla means From a Feild or In a feild.
And now the main word for me is Feild.
Feild usually means grassland, pasture, meadow etc.
But feild can be mean Area, Department, Branch. So, Can I say it In my Department, In my Company.
Yeah! Its right. Finally! I can decode it as Seek Pleasure from a garden Or Rose in a Department.
Let's first look for 2nd option. It seems proper.
If she's working in my office then she must be from newcomers.
With as usual heart melting smile on his face, he gets out of his office to find rose;)


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