Episode 3

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"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." - Carol Burnett

At eight fifty-five the next morning, Tomoya, Eriri, Utaha, and Michiru were in the main office room waiting for Masaru.

"I wonder how Masaru would look like." Michiru said.

"He's a gentleman." Utaha smiled to herself.

"I don't even want to see him." Eriri crossed his arms, "Tomoya, where's Megumi?"

"She went to buy breakfast for everyone." Tomoya said, "And why would you not want to see Masaru-san?"

As soon as the clock strikes nine, Masaru stepped into the office with his sunglasses. Everything happened in slow motion as he strolled with pride. He stopped in front of Tomoya.

He took out his sunglasses, "It's just because of a girl's instinct. Nice to meet you, my dear boss. My name is Masaru Kobayashi, but just call me Masaru."

"Just call me Tomoya." Tomoya shook his hand, "I'll feel weird if you call me your boss." He pointed to Utaha, "That's Utaha Kasumigaoka. Beside her is Eriri Spencer Sawamura and Michiru Hyodo."

"I see." Masaru nodded, "I'd like to ask a question. Why did you guys accept me as your coder?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Eriri asked with an annoyed tone.

"Well, while your game is just uninteresting, there were no bugs or errors at all. And you did a game in 25 seconds." Tomoya said, "A game which requires at least hours. You could finish within 25 seconds. That's quite a feat."

"Thank you, Boss...I mean, Tomoya." Masaru said. Megumi then came in with the breakfast.

"Breakfast's ready." Megumi said. She then saw Masaru.

"Megumi?" Masaru looked at her.

"It's you, Masaru-kun?"

"You guys know each other?" Tomoya asked.

"We used to be neighbors." Megumi explained, "My family members usually invite him for dinner."

"What a freeloader." Eriri grumbled.

"We hung out for quite a while." Megumi continued, "We usually do homework at his house during the holidays before I joined Blessing Software. Since then, I went to his house less often. Until he went to the United States for 5 years."

She then ran to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry I didn't spend time with you after I joined Tomoya's circle." She muttered.

"It's okay, Megumi. Everybody has their own priorities." Masaru patted her head. Eriri muttered something under her breath.

"What did you say, Eriri?" Utaha asked

"Oh, nothing."

The Dream Designers

Episode 3

Masaru was eating on his own in his office room that Megumi gave him. He was typing on his laptop with one hand while eating with another hand.

"This...and that..." He muttered to himself while typing. He then heard knocking sounds on his door.

"Come in." He said. Someone then placed a cup of tea beside him. He looked up and saw that it was Utaha.

"Oh, it's you, Utaha-san."

"Try my tea, Masaru-san." Utaha said, "Drink and tell me if it's nice."

Masaru took up the cup and drank the tea.

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