Episode 16

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"In order to be happy oneself it is necessary to make at least one other person happy." - Theodor Reik

In the emergency ward room, surgeons operated on Tomoya. One of the surgeons took the defibrillator paddles.

"Everyone, away from the patient." He then used the paddles. It shocked Tomoya's body for a while, but still no reaction.

Outside the ward, Masaru, Megumi, Utaha, and Eriri were waiting.

"Honestly, I don't get you." Masaru said to Megumi, "Why won't you forgive Tomoya? I know he's a dumb guy, but he won't kiss a random girl. He's so devoted to you. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. He loves you a lot."

"I love him too." Megumi said, "But...if he dates Ariana, everyone would be safe. Ariana's a strong woman. Once she gets Tomoya-kun, she will not bother me anymore. Then, I...I'll get to see Tomoya-kun safe and..."

"You're so thoughtful, I know." Masaru sighed, "But he loves you. If you leave him, do you think he will be able to take the blow? Ask yourself that. You love each other so much, right? Then stay the fuck together and solve all the problems together. You two are really driving me up the wall."

Megumi nodded as Utaha and Eriri comforted her.

The Dream Designers

Episode 16

A few minutes later, the surgeons came out.

"How is my boyfriend, Doctor?" Megumi asked.

"He's fine. He just has a stitch on the head, but other than that, he's fine. He's awake now."

"Thank you, doctor." Utaha said as the surgeons walked away. Masaru, Megumi, Utaha and Eriri entered the ward as Tomoya looked at them.

Megumi took a chair and sat beside him.

"I'm sorry for flaring up earlier, Tomoya-kun." Megumi said.

"No, it's my fault for all that has happened." Tomoya replied, "You have every right to be angry at me."

"Tomoya-kun," She held his hands, "I know you're the guy who won't kiss anyone else besides me. It's just that I'm scared of Ariana. I'm scared if she doesn't get her way, she might end up hurting me, which is fine. But you'll get hurt trying to save me, and my heart would be broken."


"So that's why I want you to break up and get along with Ariana so that you can be safe..." Megumi startled sniffling, "I love you, that's why I want you to be safe..."

"Megumi." Tomoya looked at her, "I know you love me. I love you too. I would never want to leave you ever. My heart only beats for a person, and that's you. No matter what, I want to stay by your side. That way, I'll feel safer. We're boyfriend and girlfriend, so let's resolve our problems together. Tell me if you have any difficulties. Don't hide it. Alright, Megumi? Can you promise me that? I promise I won't hide anything from you too."

Megumi nodded and broke into tears as she hugged Tomoya.

"Now isn't that sweet?" Utaha winked at Masaru.

"Aw, hell nah." Masaru said, "That's mushy."

"By the way," Megumi cleared her tears, "I found out why Ariana's aiming us."

"What's the reason?" Eriri asked.

"Remember Cherry Sarikumi? A guy named Leo said he wanted revenge because Cherry was his only friend, and he said Kasumigaoka-senpai indirectly caused her death, so he wanted to hurt us instead so that she can feel the pain. She also wanted to be with Tomoya."

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