Episode 8

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"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." - Marcus Aurelius

The next morning, George woke up, lying on his bed. He walked to the door of Masaru's room. He was sleeping in his room since last night after talking to Masaru.

He opened the door and saw Uncle Yang happily eating his breakfast. He then remembered that Megumi and Tomoya have already gone to work. He touched the floor with his feet.

"Who the fuck mopped the floor and what's that cooking smell?" He thought.

Cherry Sarikumi came out of the kitchen and placed a plate of vegetables and hash browns in front of Uncle Yang.

"Uncle Yang, you can eat as much as you want!" Cherry smiled at him, "Everything's all yours."

"Thank you so much, Sarikumi-san." Uncle Yang chomped on the food, "I haven't had good food these days. That young lad has been giving me either cup noodles or rice with only vegetables."

"I can cook for you every day if you want!" She replied.

"Oh hell no, you don't." George said. Cherry turned to him and looked at him awkwardly.

"Why are you here?" Cherry asked.

"I have a better question." George talked back, "Who in the motherfucking hell are you?"

The Dream Designers

Episode 8

"Rise and shine, Masaru-san." Utaha shook Masaru's head. They are in Utaha's ward.

"What is it?" Masaru yawned, "Why did you wake me up?"

"Time to edit our script." Utaha said, "It's almost ready, though."

"Precisely." Masaru slightly lifted his head and looked at her, "That's why we need a rest. We stayed up until three yesterday. I need rest."

He was about to lie his head on the table when Utaha pulled his hair up. He screamed in pain.

"C'mon, Masaru-san!" Utaha squealed, "Let's continue on with the script!"

"Ouch! Let go, you crazy woman!" He screamed.

"Uh uh." Utaha smiled cheekily, "I'll perk you up today, since I'm can be discharged, although originally it's 3 days. Get ready to send me home."

"You're so sudden." Masaru sighed, "First, you wanna edit the script. Now you want to get out and bring me somewhere."

"Not just one place." Utaha replied, "It's two or three, if I remember correctly."

"Two? Or three?" Masaru muttered to himself, "Someone, kill me please."

A few minutes later, Masaru is in the toilet, washing his face. He then came out of the toilet to see Utaha carrying her handbag, ready to get out of the hospital.

"Never seen you so energetic before." Masaru said.

"I'm always energetic." Utaha walked close to him and used her fingers to softly touch his chin, "You just never see it. Now let's hurry up, and get to my home. I can't go out with you in this kind of attire, can't I?"

"I wonder what Eriri, Megumi and Tomoya will think of us." Masaru said, "Eriri will sure think we're skipping work deliberately."

"It's okay." Utaha assured him, "We're right on track. In fact, we're almost done with the script. Just a few more tweaks and a little writing and it's done."

"Whatever you say."

In Masaru's house, George went to Cherry.

"What are you doing to Uncle Yang?" He asked, "Cooking so much oily stuff. And who allowed you into the house?"

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