Episode 7

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"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at." - Stephen Hawking

"Let me ask you." Masaru asked Cherry in her house, "Did you poison Utaha-san?"

"Me? Poison? That's impossible".

"From what I've heard, Utaha said you spiked her drink with a drug. Is that true?"

"Why do you believe that woman?" Cherry asked, "She might be telling lies."

"You're the one to do that." Masaru said, "Plus, Utaha got stomach upset after she drank the latte you gave her."

"It's just her body."

"Still trying to cover up your lies?" He took out his phone and showed her a recording that was sent. In the recording, Cherry was holding two cups of latte in the kitchen. She took a tiny bag of unknown white powder and poured it into one of the cups before bringing it out.

"I gave you a chance to explain yourself, but you denied it. You go on with lies. I don't know what's your motive, but you're becoming from bad to worse. If your motive is trying to get back with me, it's impossible. With the hurt you've inflicted, and now this, it's certain that I won't want to get back with you. Stop trying."

Masaru then left the house. Cherry clenched her fists.

"This can't be! I'm not defeated yet!" She thought, "This Utaha thought she already won? She's straight wrong. I'm going to make her suffer more next time."

The Dream Designers

Episode 7

"When the hell are they coming back?" Eriri asked Megumi and Tomoya in the office, "We're near the freaking deadline! It's less than a damn fucking month! And Utaha Kasumigaoka and that son of a bitch is planning to take a week off?"

"Utaha-senpai got sick, you got to understand that, Eriri." Tomoya explained, "She had a really bad stomach upset."

"If they're resting for a week, then we'll be left with two weeks! Two damn weeks! We won't be able to make it!"

"Relax, Eriri." Megumi smiled, "Masaru's working in the hospital ward with Kasumigaoka-senpai."

"Wait, you sure the two could work together, when she's sick and won't concentrate because she likes him?"

"U...Utaha-senpai likes Masaru-san?" Tomoya asked. Eriri gasped as she covered her mouth.

"Shit, I promised her to keep it a secret." Eriri slapped herself.

"It's the same, anyways." Tomoya said, "Utaha-senpai can concentrate even when besides the one she loves. Does Masaru-san know about it?"

Eriri shook her head.

"That's great. The two can still concentrate, then."

In Utaha's hospital ward, Masaru started working on the script. He added some extra scenes which he made inconspicuously similar to Haikono: Sensei.

"Read this script, Utaha-san." He passed the script to her to read.

She flipped through the pages of the script, filled with Masaru and her words. She looked carefully at his added scenes.

"How is it, Utaha-san?" Masaru asked.

She took her phone and typed something. She then showed it to him.

"Give me a Pocky" was what it read.

"No, Utaha-san." Masaru said, "You're halfway recovering from your stomach upset. What happens if this makes your stomach act up again?"

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