Episode 17

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"Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot." - Charlie Chaplin

Masaru picked Utaha up from her house with his car.

"You seem...relatively quiet today, Masaru-san." Utaha started talking on their way to work.

"Me? Quiet?" Masaru laughed softly, "It's because I'm quite tired today. I had nightmares yesterday."

"What kind of nightmare, Masaru-san?"

"I had dreamt of a very bad thing."

Masaru stopped for a while, then continued, "I dreamt that Uncle Yang is killed by my the person I hate the most."

"You mean Kane Harune?" She asked.

"Nah, not him. He's in jail. Why would I be scared of that little punk? I'm talking about someone else."

He muttered to himself, "This guy gives me problems every time. Now he's making me do things I'm against."

"Huh? What did you say?" Utaha asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing." Masaru replied, "We're reaching work soon. Let's discuss the storyline for our new game, shall we?"

The Dream Designers

Episode 17

In Eriri's office room, Megumi is discussing with Eriri about the character design.

"Since this character is designed based on your looks, I believe it should exactly like you." Megumi told Eriri, "So there should be long twin-tails like the old you."

"I thought you want it to be a bit different from me." Eriri said, flipping her hair proudly, "Now I shall make it the same, as pretty as me."

"But the personality of the character is also going to be the same as yours." Megumi teased, "Super emotional, ferocious, tsundere personality..."

"Hey! Why are you criticizing me?" Eriri whined. Just then, Utaha and Masaru stepped into Eriri's office room.

"Kasumigaoka-senpai, have you confirmed the story plot?" Megumi asked.

"I'm about to be done." Utaha said, "So maybe by the end of the day, you can come and look for me about it."

"Sure." Megumi replied.

Masaru went to Charmaine's office room and saw her sorting out files.

"Charmaine-san." Masaru knocked on her door. She turned around and saw him.

"Come in." She said. He sat down on a chair in the room.

"Masaru-san, may I ask why are you looking for me ?" She asked.

"Oh, it's because I want to ask a favor of you." He replied, "But first, how's the profit of the game? And the accounts?"

"They're all going quite smoothly." She said, "The game is bought by millions every day. I'm managing the company's accounts, and it's not that hard."

"Glad to hear that."

"So, what's the favor you're asking from me?"

"Right. Can I take a picture of you?"

"Why though?"

Masaru tried to think of a reason frantically. Finally, he thought of one.

"I want to put a portrait of you on the website." He said, "You do know our website has our members' photos, and yours is not there?"

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