Episode 18

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"It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life." - Elizabeth Kenny

"Make a wish, Tomoya." Eriri said.

"I wish that our company successfully sells as many games as possible." Tomoya then looked at Megumi, "And I hope that my pretty girlfriend can be happy all the time."

"You're so mushy, Tomoya-kun." Megumi kissed his cheeks. He then blew the candles off and everyone clapped except Eriri.

"Wait." She checked her phone, "Someone entered our office at this timing."

"This timing?" Tomoya was surprised, "Check the cameras in the office."

"We'll talk about it later, right?" Utaha took Eriri's phone away.

"My phone, Utaha Kasumigaoka!" Eriri screamed.

"Relax. I'll be returning it once Megumi is done with her 'stuff'."

"Oh, right." Eriri said. Megumi had, by then, took three slices out for each of the girls.

"What stuff?" Tomoya asked, "And you girls only took three slices?"

"Tomoya-kun, if you look closely at the cake, you would see I had placed a miniature figure of me on it."

"Really?" Tomoya zoomed into the cake but saw nothing. Megumi then pushed his head into the cake. The three girls laughed.

"That's a good one, Megumi!" Eriri patted her shoulder.

"I must say, you're quite smart to prank him, Kato-san." Utaha added on, "Can't believe he fell for that trick."

Tomoya slowly got up with cake all over his face.

"Megumi, you liar." Tomoya sighed. She let out a soft laugh as she grinned at him.

The Dream Designers

Episode 18

In George's house, Madeline is resting in her room when George entered her room.

"Hey, son. Manners." Madeline said, "Knock the damn door before coming in."

"Do you think I have time to care about that?" George threw a file on her bed, "Explain this, then."

"Jeez, chill." Madeline took the file, "You got to relax."

She opened the file and received a shock.

George went to her and took out a paper from the file.

"This is the paternity test." George growled, "According to it, Matt Fuistuer is excluded as the biological father of George Fuistuer, and the probability of paternity is zero percent. However, Jack Yang is not excluded as the biological father of George Fuistuer, and the probability of paternity is 99.9 percent."

"Son, this is obviously fake. The doctors have a grudge against me..."


"He's not fake..." Madeline shook his head, "The result is fake..."

"Stop denying, Mum!" George shook her body, "Tell me the truth. I want the truth and only the truth."

Madeline looked at a furious George.

"Tell me!" He yelled at her.

Madeline sighed, "A few years ago, I was in love with Jack Yang. He was one of my rich classmate from my university class. I met him at work. It was three years after he had born his biological son. I went to strike a conversation with him when he and I were on a team with a few other people. We needed to study how the business rise and fall and the reasons why.

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