Episode 15

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"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

As Tomoya is waiting in Masaru's house, he got a call from Ariana.

"Ariana, I can't find Megumi..."

"Tomoya, I got news. I heard that she's traveling overseas to Singapore. When I met her this afternoon, she said she had enough of life and wanted to start afresh somewhere else."

"What?" Tomoya was shocked, "Do you know where she is right now?"

"I don't know." Ariana said, "I don't have the exact location."

"You sure this is true?" Tomoya asked.

"I swear it's true."

"Okay, thanks for telling me this information, Ariana." Tomoya ended the call.

Masaru came out of the shower, "What made you so shocked just now? I heard your loud voice."

"Ariana said Megumi had gone to Singapore to start afresh. Ariana even said it's true."

"That's strange." Masaru said, "If Ariana says it's true, why Singapore? Why not Canada? Or some other country?"

"You got a point there, but it's really true..."

"You try to find her at the airport." Masaru said, "See if you're successful. I need to meet my friend out for dinner."

Tomoya nodded.

A few minutes later, he went to the airport to find for Megumi. He searched everywhere. The restaurants, the shops, the waiting terminals. However, she was nowhere to be found.

"If I can't find her, does it mean that she had boarded the plane already? Or is on the way? Or in Singapore already?"

Tomoya sat down on a seat. He hung his head and placed his hands above it.

The Dream Designers

Episode 15

Masaru went to the nightclub with George.

"Don't mind me," George asked, "But why are we here? It's definitely not to drink, isn't it?"

"I'm here to ask Ariana if she knew anything else about my friend." Masaru replied, "I was told by my friend's boyfriend that she has gone overseas."

"And is it true?"

"According to Ariana, yes." Masaru said, "But I'm not sure of this myself. That's why I need to confirm it with her and ask her some things."

George's phone then rang. He answered the call. A few seconds later, he ended it.

"I'm sorry, Masaru." George stood up, "I need to take care of my mother. She's sick."

"Don't you have your father to do that job?"

"He's always overseas for business, leaving me alone."

"Fine. I'll see you some other day."

George walked off. Masaru then felt a need to go to the toilet. After relieving himself, he stepped out of the toilet, only to step onto something solid.

"What's this hard thingy on the floor?" He squatted and picked up a phone that was left on.

"Default background. Default apps." Masaru muttered to himself, "This should be a random customer's phone that's left here. I should just bring it to the counter."

As he was about to bring it, a text message appeared. Masaru, being a busybody, went to check it.

The text read, "Did you bring that Megumi woman to where I have asked you to bring her?"

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