Episode 14

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"We are most alive when we're in love" - John Updike

Masaru is carrying a plastic bag of vegetables on one hand and a cup of uncooked noodles in the other. He is going to have supper at night with Utaha.

His phone then rang. He placed the cup noodles into the plastic bag and whipped his phone out. He answered the call.

"Miss Impatient, I'm coming." Masaru said.

"I'm already quite hungry, Masaru-san." She whined, "Can you be faster? You can't let your girlfriend starve to death, can't you?"

"I'm trying my best to walk." Masaru said, "Besides, you got to wait for a while. When I come back, I still need to boil the vegetables"

"Why?" She whined again, this time in a pitiful voice. Suddenly, it rained.

"Utaha, wait for a while." He made his phone on speaker mode and placed it in his shirt pocket, the speaker facing him. He took out an umbrella and covered himself.

"Let's continue talking." Masaru said, "So as I said, you got to wait for a while. Food's not going to be that fast."

"Isn't there any way you could make the cooking faster?"

"If you want noodles that taste crap, then of course it'll be fast..." He saw Megumi sobbing, her luggage beside her.

"Utaha, I'll talk to you later." He ended the call and went to her.

"What happened, Megumi?" He asked. She hugged him and cried on his shirt.

"It's okay." Masaru patted her head, "You can tell me everything."

The Dream Designers

Episode 14

Utaha is watching a drama show while waiting for Masaru to return.

"...these two must be up to something." A woman looked at a guy moving his fingers. Utaha was then disrupted by someone opening the door.

"Masaru-san!" Utaha came out of the room, "I'm glad you're finally..."

She stopped talking upon seeing Megumi moving her luggage in, followed by Masaru coming in with the groceries.

"Maybe I'll live in the hotel nearby, Masaru-san." Megumi turned to Masaru, "Kasumigaoka-senpai doesn't seem too happy about me being here. I don't want to give her trouble too."

"No, Megumi. You stay here tonight, I'll bring you to my house tomorrow." He said, "Utaha, you don't mind her staying for the night, don't you?"

"As long as she doesn't do ridiculous things here." Utaha replied.

"Really?" Megumi then bowed down, "I'm sorry to trouble you at this late hour, Kasumigaoka-senpai."

"You had a fight with Morals-kun?" Utaha asked.

Megumi nodded.


"Don't ask any further, Utaha." Masaru said, "She's devastated and heartbroken over it."

"Fine." Utaha pointed to a room beside the storeroom, "That's her room for the night."

Masaru turned to Megumi, "Get yourself changed into your comfy clothes and sleep. You understand me, Megumi?"

She nodded, "Thank you, Masaru-san and Kasumigaoka-senpai."

She moved her luggage into the room and closed the door.

"Can't I..."

"Let's eat our supper, shall we?" Masaru interrupted her, "I thought you're starving. You've been complaining to me over the phone."

The Dream Designers (Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now