Episode 6

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"Opportunities don't happen. You create them." - Chris Grosser

A car pulled up outside Utaha's house.

"Wait for me here." Utaha told the driver as she got her bag and went into the house. She changed into the grey dress she wore the previous day.

She then got back into the car.

"I'm sorry, Masaru-san." She grinned at the driver. "I feel like I should wear something more appropriate."

"Your casual outfit was fine." Masaru said, "Why go to such an extent and dress up?"

"Because I feel like it." She replied.

"Do you always wear white heels, or is it just because of today?"


"You know heels are bad for your feet?"

"I'm used to it. The heels are also not that high."

Masaru looked at his watch, "Shit. My bad that I asked you so much. It's almost the peak hour. I'd better bring you to the restaurant first."

Masaru drove Utaha to the restaurant and they quickly took the last free table.

"You're lucky I saw my watch." Masaru said.

"Yeah, yeah." Utaha looked at the menu, "You're treating?"

Masaru nodded, "Pick anything."

She ordered ramen and a strawberry juice. He ordered a curry cutlet rice and mango juice. While waiting for their food and beverages, the both of them talked to each other.

"I heard you wanted to assist me in the plotting of the story." Utaha said, "Are you sure you want to do so? I'm going to let you have a hard time."

"I don't think so." Masaru responded, "I think I have what it takes to help you. I've played a few games, and maybe I think I could help you with some plot. Besides, I'm sure even a professional writer like you have writer's block sometimes."

Utaha leaned back on her chair, "That's true."

"So with me around, I'm sure the story won't stop. And the story would be done in a shorter time. When you go back to Akane's company, I would be the one taking charge, so learning the ropes from you would be great."

Utaha was about to reject that idea when she thought of a quote by Chris Grosser.

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."

She looked at Masaru, "Fine. On one condition. You must not slack."

"Rest assured I won't."

The Dream Designers

Episode 6

After they have taken their dinner, Masaru and Utaha walked out of the restaurant, ready to go home.

"Thanks for the dinner." Utaha said.

"You're welcome." Masaru replied, "Need me to send you back?"

"Nah, it's okay. The train station's just a few meters away."

"It's at night. You're not scared of any perverts or something?"

"Hardly happened."

"So there is actually a pervert that touched you before?"

"A little bit on the ass. Nothing more. People saw it and reported him."

"Promise me you'll be safe." Masaru held her shoulders, which made her cheeks blush, "Message me when you reach home."

The Dream Designers (Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now