Episode 19

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"You cannot find peace avoiding life." - Virginia Woolf

"I can't let him kill Uncle Yang!" Masaru screamed, "You are my friend! You should help!"

"Help? You screwed yourself!" George shouted back at him, "Eriri told me about it. I knew it was you who stole the money and I bet you gave it to Leo! Now he has the money to buy the weapons!"

"He knew my plan of stealing from Blessing Software because of you! You chose to ask me at the hospital that night, and Leo heard it!"

"Oh, so it's my fault that I asked you about that?" George became furious, "You had that intention to steal from them! I didn't force you to do it!"

"But you made me talk about it! And Leo heard it!" Masaru raised his voice, "It's all your fault!"

"It's your fault for helping Leo, and even having the intention to steal money from Blessing Software!" George roared in anger, "How dare you put the blame on me!"

"If you had not asked me about my plan that time, Leo would not have known anything!" Masaru shouted back.

"Enough, Masaru Kobayashi!" Uncle Yang yelled. Masaru and George turned to him. Uncle Yang stood up.

"Did...did you just call me by my name?" Masaru asked.

"Yes, Masaru." Uncle Yang replied, "And just to clarify, I didn't lose my memory."

George and Masaru were both staggered as they stared at him.

The Dream Designers

Episode 19

"Why did you lie to me then?" Masaru asked, "All these years, I thought you really had forgotten everything. Including me."

"Really, Masaru?" Uncle Yang laughed, "I, Jack Yang, a well-known gang leader, can never forget his memories because someone hit my head with a glass bottle."

"Then why act dumb?" George asked, "For the 10 years, you made all of us suffer. Took care of you, thought you were mental and stuff."

"I had to. After all, I didn't know what my son was planning." Jack said.

"You mean me?" George asked.

"Of course not, you illegitimate child."

"It's all because of you. You dumped me and left my mother alone to take care of me!"

"Geez, stop being so grumpy." Jack sighed, "I told Madeline to abort the child, but she didn't listen. She wanted to raise you. Not my problem."

"You..." George pointed his finger at him.

"Wait, wait, you said you didn't know what your son was planning." Masaru interrupted George, "Is Leo Shinjisu your son?"

"Unfortunately, he's my biological son." Jack replied, "George, remember when I threw a small toy camera out of the window? That was Leo's. He placed it there to keep check on me. When he visited me that time, he had placed that in my room."

"This has officially become a fucked up thing to me." George said.

"Why did he hate you so much to the core?" Masaru asked.

"Well, let me tell you a story then. Back when I was still a gang leader, my son, Leo Yang, was in my gang, together with his friend Percy. One day, Percy went over to the other gang. At first, Leo did not seem to care at all, and their friendship status was still going strong. However, one month later, he decided to quit the gang. When I asked why he told me he didn't want to lose Percy as his friend. I had to let him go, can't I?

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