2)Convincing the Cullen's

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All rights go to Stephenie Meyer. She owns twilight not me i just change them a bit up that is all. Now lets start.


*Jane's POV*

For some reason I geel attached to one of the shifters he stares at me and the other who looks likes the sister stares at Alec. Hmmm.... I wonder if Alec feels the same.

''Hey Alec?''I whisper low enough so they wont hear.

''Hmmmm...Yes?'' He asks.

''Do you some sort of attachment to one of the shifters? One of them stares at me and the feamale shifter stares at you.''

''Yes, I feel an attachment to the female one. The weird part is that I want to go next to her but don't know if she will like it so I'm keeping my distance.''

''That's the same way I feel'' I replie, ''We'll ask later.'' If only I knew.

I was so zoned out that I didn't know we were already at the Cullen's House. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the shifter that is always staring at me. He smiles and I smile back. He seems like a nice boy and he is preety cute.

''Hi, I'm Seth Clearwater, you are Jane from the Volturi right?'' He says still smiling.

''Yes I am Jane, but no longer wish to be a Volturi. I am sick of it and want to change same goes for my twin brother,Alec. If may I ask why do you keep staring at me same goes for female shifter who stares at my brother?'' I replie i really want to know and I know Alec does too.

''I wil tell youl after we talk with the Cullen's. Come on they are waiting for us.'' We go in and they are all staring at me like I will torture them with my gift. Here goes nothing.

''Hello Carlisle, Cullen's, as you may know I was sent here by Aro and Alec came after i was out of the plane,'' I take a deep breath, ''We were sent to check on Renesmee's progress, but I wanted to ask something that may surprise all of you.'' They all look at Me and Alec. Here goes nothing..again.

''Go on Jane'' Carlisle tells me.

''Well..Me and Alec wanted to join your coven'' they all take a sharp breath at what I said.

''Why would that be Jane? You were always loyal to the Volturi.'' Carlisle asks me.

''That was because of Chelsea's ability, but it never worked on me so I had pretended all the time. If you dont believe me, Mr.Mind-Reader can go through my head.'' I replie. Edward starts checking my head and he believes me.

''She is telling the truth, She has hated the Volturi all the time.'' Edward tells everybody he starts going through Alec's head and says the same. We are twins and we some kind of Twin Bond.

''Well we like it to join us, but you would have to change onto the 'Vegetarian' life style. Will you be able to do that?'' Carlisle asks.

''Of coarse. All I have wanted was freedom. I hated taking the lives of People and I am ready to change that. So OF COARSE!!'' I replie all excited Alec is excited too, he might not show it but I can see it.

''Well in that way, Welcome to our family.'' They all say.

''THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!'' Me and Alec replie all excited. I go hug Carlisle then for some reason I go hug Seth, I realise what I did and back away so does Alec as he hugs the Female Shifter.

''We are so sorry for that. We don't know what happend'' We replie.

''Sorry Seth'' ''Sorry Leah'' We tell them at the same time. The Cullen's are all shocked by what we did except Jacob, Edward, Seth, Leah, and Carlisle.

''Umm. Come on Jane and Alec let's go and prepare a room for you two.'' Esme breaks the silence. We leave after one glance at the rest of the family. We leave running upstairs.

*Seth's POV*

After I talked to Jane, we walked in. Jane and Carlisle start talking, then they all say one thing I was happy about...

''Well in that way, Welcome to our family.'' They all say.

''THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!'' Jane and his brother,Alec,say. They go and hug Carlisle then Jane comes and hugs me and her brother hugs Leah. They are all surprised at what they did.Except Jacob, Edward, Me, Leah, and Carlisle. Esme breaks the silence and after one glance at us they go upstaris.

''Ummm...Will someone explin what just happend there?'' Emmett asks.

''Well...umm...you see..its..that..ummm..'' Me and Leah stutter.

''Oh for crying out loud they Imprinted on them. Seth on Jane and Leah on Alec'' Jake says.

''WHAT?!'' They all scream.

''Shhhhh...they don't know. Jane asked me why I stare at her and Leah on Alec. I told her I will tell her later.'' I said feeling blood come up my cheeks. I look at Leah and she is the same.

''Awwww..Sethy and Leah are in wuv! Isn't that cute.'' Emmett says in a baby voice.

Me and Leah look at each othe and grin evily at each other and look at Emmett.

''Woah, woah there guys whats happening?'' He asks all scared. We tackle him and and start beating him up, he starts screaming and all Cullen's laugh, Then I hear a Beutiful laughter i look up and see Jane, My imprint, laughing at Emmett whille we beat him. She sees me and smiles but then looks down guilty. I turn around and ask Edward in my mind if she feels guilty when she hugged me. He said yes, and looks at Jasper also saying Yes.

I still beat Emmett up and ask him ''Are you done teasing us?''

''Yes, now get off.'' He replies and pushes us off. I look up at Leah she is staring at Alec while Jane and him are having a conversation. We start talking and decide on telling them Tommorow of them being our Imprints.

*Leah's POV*(There might be some of Leah's and other Characters POV OK?)

I can't believe I imprinted on a leach, but now I don't hate the Cullen's becuase I am in love with a former Volturi who is a Vampire. While me and Seth beat up Emmett i hear laughter and i hear a husky, manlly laughter and see that it is Alec. I smile, he does too but then looks down guilty. I ask Edward if he is guilty of what he did and says yes. My imprint is guilty and he shouldn't feel that way. After we are done with Emmett, Me and Seth decide Tommorow is the best day to tell them of imprinting, and they are our imprint. We wish all goes well.




Seth and Leah in love with Jane and Alec Volturi (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now